Make Gold in Secret Tips | cheap wow gold

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-09-15 14:16:35 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

There are many more ways to learn how to make gold in world of warcraft. The best way is to learn from the pros who already have the knowledge and expertise. Here are some tips to follow! 1. Mages-As most people know that the fastest way to level when grinding for gold is to AoE grind. The easiest class to do this with is the Mage. A good thingbuy wow gold to bring along with you is a high level priest that you are not in party with. Just let him heal you when you are low on hp and otherwise not interfere with the fight. You get all the xp and won’t have to worry about being overrun. Keep this in mind though, do not attack camps with casters or other ranged enemies as they most likely will be out of range for your Instant Arcane Explosion.

2. Free Mounts-Warlocks and Paladins are among the lucky classes in the game. They receive a quest level 40 to get a free mount. So when choosing your class at startup, this is a very nice bonus to have in your character.

3. When starting a new Draenei character you should be able to fly through the first two areas fairly quickly, regardless of class. When you get to Blood Myst, I found the easiest way to power level at this early stage is to split your time green questing between BloodMyst and Darkshore. Being the 3rd area of a new char, you should bewow goldlevel 20 leaving either, but because it’s so close,cheap wow gold, and the VAST numbers of quests in each one (and because draenei will have to go through dark shore anyways to get to Ashenvale) you will be level 20 approximately halfway done with each area.

I know this isn’t the only race/area combination that this will work with,buy wow gold, but which ever you choose, the key to leveling quickly this way is to stick to the green quests,buy wow gold, not only will they be easier because they are green but they still offer good experience/items/gold, and because they are easy, it cuts down on time. Which is nice because flying/boating back and forth will add a little time.

I do think it still pays off because you’ll be a good 5-10 levels ahead of normal mob level in the areas that lie ahead.

There is no reason to use WoW Cheats and hacks, this will only get you banned! Leveling is easier than you think. There is some great info out there about WoW leveling, golding grinding and more. Just play the game, learn, make somecheap wow goldand have fun! And yes, you can make some serious money playing World of Warcraft. But first, learn to play the game properly and learn from others as much as possible. To conclude, the right gaming experience one should derive from a game such as World of Warcraft one can only gain through.

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TAG: buy gold wow





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