Gadgets for the modern Engineer | buy wow gold

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-10-29 13:29:09 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

1. Exploding Bunnies
The Personal Electromagnetic Pulse Generator has many uses,wow gold, but perhaps the most entertaining is to explode an Explosive Decoy from range.

Don't have a shaman in your groupcheap wow gold for Auriaya? No problem. Leave a harmless little bunny instead! With a 30 yard range on the EMP, the tank can explode it just as she approaches. What's better than an exploding bunny?

2. Bombs
Saronite Bombs are extremely cheap to make, and will deal fire damage in a ten yard radius. They are instant cast, and you can throw them while running!

Tanks can use these to pull groups in the same way that Death Knights can use Death and Decay. From range, you are sending a quick burst of AoE damage into the group, giving you some aggro with each mob. Box of Bombs is the latest way to make these bombs, and each box yields 12-20.

Frost Grenades give a rooting effect, and are considered a freeze. This means that if you have a talent based on freezes, such as a Frost Mage's Shatter, this is probably the option for you.

This is usually considered a PvP grenade, and can be used to slow the masses encroaching upon a flag, flag bearer, or other target of interest. They are not usable in Arenas. For PvE, it can be helpful if adds get way out of hand in fights like Gluth and Thorim, although due to its 1 minute cooldown, it can't be relied upon solely for add control.

Cobalt Frag Bombs are similar to Frost Grenades,cheap wow gold, but apply an incapacitate effect rather than a freeze/root. They are the directbuy wow gold upgrades of the Adamantite Grenades, and offer more damage and a 0.5 second cast time, compared to the Adamantite's 1.0 second, although the Adamantite still works on level 80 targets. Despite the cast time, it can be used while running.

The Frag Belt is a great accessory to have if you start using Cobalt Frag Bombs on a regular basis. They are useful for interrupts, breaking a Rogue out of stealth, and keeping a melee class at range a bit longer. They are also fun to throw at healers.

In PvE, it would be useful for soloing. For example,buy wow gold, Protection spec players could use it as an opener when working on groups to minimize initial damage.

Although the Global Thermal Sapper Charge is usable only by Goblin Engineers, it too has its merits. Once upon a time, this Charge, along with Saronite Bombs, were used to do decent siege damage in Wintergrasp and Strand of the Ancients. The damage was so decent, in fact, that when combined with a few other Engineering tricks, the guild Goon Squad was able to capture Wintergrasp in 62 seconds. Needless to say, the siege damage components were nerfed.

One thing to note about this item is that using it will hurt you, and everyone around you who is not an ally. One of the best uses for it is while AoE tanking. As long as you are getting sufficient heals, blowing this 5 minute cooldown can come in handy when you're really scrambling to establish solid AoE aggro. An undergeared tank, for example, mightnba 2k10 find this helpful, as would a weaker (or less AoE-oriented) off-tank when trying to peel mobs off of the main tank fighting the boss.

3. Potion Injectors
Yes, I'm aware that potions now stack to 20 naturally. But as an Engineer, using these injectors will actually boost the effectiveness of those neatly stacked potions, be they mana or health.

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