Enchanting Guide | buy wow gold

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Enchanting is one of the primary professions inWorld of Warcraft.Anyone who takes up the trade of Enchanting become an Enchanter which means they have the ability to enchant (add stats and effects to) items and the ability to disenchant (destroy items to turn their magical properties into items that can be reused in Enchanting) items. Thesebuy wow gold two abilities work side by side. An Enchanter can take a magical item and then disenchant it to collect the magical properties in the form. of a dust or essence. Then they can take the dust, essence, etc. and use it to create additional magical properties on existing items.

It may seem confusing at first but that’s why we have this guide! With a little bit of reading you’ll see Enchanting as one of the easiest trades out there. Not only that, but Enchanting is very profitable even at lower levels. There is always a demand to have items enchanted as it makes them much more desirable. Disenchanting and selling the items gained through destroying an item is also very profitable as a lot of high level recipes require massive amounts of materials.

Enchanting is a primary profession which means that it counts towards the two profession limit. You can unlearn Enchanting at any time; however doing so will reset your skill at zero and you will unlearn any recipes you may have found along the way. It’s inadvisable to do so once you begin collecting the rarer recipes.

Be sure to take a look at our Profession Forums should you have any questions related to Enchanting! Our friendly and mature community is always looking to help anyone who may have a question. You can even email us if you have a question about this guide or Enchanting itself!

For Experienced Enchanters:Below is the basic information on Enchanting. To continue on the more detailed part of this guide click here.

Getting Started


Lvl Req.ProficiencySkill Levels


1 - 75









To begin, seek out an<Enchanting Trainer>who can teach you Apprentice Enchanting. These trainers are located in every major city, like Stormwind and Silvermoon. If you need help finding an Alchemy trainer just speak to any guard in a main city. Choose “Profession Trainer” then “Enchanting” and they will mark your map with the location of a Enchanting trainer. It’ll be a neat little flag you can follow.

There are several ranks to the Enchanting profession. You must get a certain skill level along with your character level before you can advance to the next rank. Opening new ranks allows you to increase your skill and learn newer and more powerfultiffany jewelry recipes. To advance to a new rank, simply visit the appropriate Enchanting Trainer. The following are the locations of the various enchanting trainers along with the various skill ranks and require levels.



  • Lalina Summermoon,buy wow gold, Craftsman's Terrace Darnassus
  • Thornys Pillarstone, Great Forge, Ironforge
  • Betty Quin, Mage Quarter , Stormwind
  • Alanna Raveneye, Oracle Glade, Teldrassil
  • Kudrii, The Crystal Hall, the Exodar
  • Dolothos, Court of the Sun, Silvermoon
  • Enchanter Salias, The Seer's Library, Shattrath City
  • Jhag,cheap wow gold, The Drag, Orgrimmar
  • Mot Dawnstrider, Middle rise, Thunderbluff
  • Malcomb Wynn, Apothecarium, Undercity
  • Vance Undergloom, Brill, Tirisfall Glades
  • Magistrix Eredania, Saltheril's Haven, Eversong Woods
  • Dolothos, Court of the Sun, Silvermoon
  • Enchanter Salias, The Seer's Library, Shattrath City


  • Taladan, Craftsman's Terrace, Darnassus
  • Xylinnia Starshine, Feathermoon Stronghold, Feralas
  • Gimble Thistlefuzz, Great Forge, Ironforge
  • Lucan Cordrell, Mage Quarter, Stormwind
  • Nahogg, The Cyrstal Hall, the Exodar
  • Sedana, Court of the Sun, Silvermoon
  • Godan, The Drag, Orgrimmar
  • Teg Dawnstrider, Middle rise, Thunder Bluff
  • Lavinia Crowe, Apothecarium, Undercity
  • Sedana, Court of the Sun, Silvermoon
  • Kitta Firewind, Tower of Azora, Elwynn Forest
  • Enchanter Aeldron, The Seer's Library, Shattrath City
  • Hgarth, top of east slope in Sun Rock Retreat, Stonetalon Mountains
  • Enchanter Aeldron, The Seer's Library, Shattrath City
  • Annora, Uldaman Instance, Badlands
  • Enchantress Volali, The Seer's Library, Shattrath City
  • Johan Barnes, Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula (Alliance
  • Felannia,wow gold, Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula (Horde)
  • High Enchanter Bardolan, The Seer's Library, Shattrath City
  • Asarnan, The Stormspire, Netherstorm

Quick Skill "Power Leveling" Guide

Find out all the best enchants to use to skill up as fast and cheaply as possible here: Enchanting Leveling Guide

Choosing a Second Profession

Enchanting goes well with a few professions. Enchanting doesn’t rely on a gathering profession for materials, so any kind of gathering profession (Mining, Skinning, Herbalism) or Tailoring are perfect companions for Enchanting. Therewow gold is one thing to note and that is a lot of people see Talioring as the “perfect” companion as you can make greens then disenchant them. This is true in some situations but not all.

For instance, you can sometimes loose a lot of money this way. You could sell the cloth used to make the green items and buy more green items on the auction house then the cloth could have made. Then disenchant those and sell the materials created to make a lot of your expense back. Although there are times on the market when green items are worth more then cloth, so it’s extremely variable. I always suggest if you go Tailoring, do it for the level seventy bind-on-pickup armor sets. That or the ability to make your own spell thread to constantly change.

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  • 建立时间: 2009-08-11
  • 更新时间: 2010-08-02


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