Kologarn Strategy | cheap wow gold

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-10-11 13:48:32 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴


Focused Eyebeam – Kologarn can focus his gaze on a random player that is not in melee range of his main body and shoot energy beams at them.  The beams cause roughly 4,000 damage per second to the target and anyone else within 5 yards (3,wow gold,000 damage per second in 10 player raids).  The beams will follow the player atwow gold slightly less than run speed.

Overhead Smash – Kologarn uses this high damage attack against the main tank.  It can also apply the &ldquo,cheap wow gold;Crunch Armor” effect, which will lower the tanks armor by 20% for 6 seconds.  Kologarn generally uses this ability every 10 – 15 seconds, however it is possible for him to use it more often.

Petrifying Breath – Kologarn uses this attack anytime his main agro target is not in melee range.  It is a channeled spell that lasts for 4 seconds and does roughly 20,000 damage per second (15,000 in 10 player raids) and applies the stacking “Brittle Skin” effect. 

Brittle Skin – This is a debuff caused by Petrifying Breath and increases damage taken by 20% for 8 seconds.

Stone Grip –While Kologarn’s right arm is alive, it will grab random players to stone grip.  While in the arm’s grip, the player takes roughly 5,500 damage per second (3,500 damage per second in 10 player raids) until the player dies or is freed.  To free a player from the stone grip, DPS players must cause 450,000 damage (150,000 in 10 player raids) to the arm.

Shockwave – While Kologarn’s left arm is alive it will cause steady shockwaves that cause roughly 10,000 nature damage to everyone in the room.

Elementals – Whenever an arm is destroyed a pack of elementals will spawn from the rubble.  The elementals causecheap wow gold significant AoE damage as well as melee damage.  Once the elementals spawn, the arm that was destroyed will respawn in 60 seconds.

Once engaged, Kologarn does not move at all during the fight, he stays in position in the area where the shattered staircase once was.  He must be tanked where he is. The fight requires at least 2 tanks and preferably 3. 

Two tanks must remain in front of Kologarn and in melee range at all times so that he does not cast Petrifying Breath.  The second tank stays in position and remains ready to taunt off of the main tank if the crunch armor effect ever stacks to 2 stacks.  As soon as it clears, the main tank can either pull threat back or wait until the off tank has two stacks.  A well geared tank that focuses on avoidance can generally tank the whole fight, as any Overhead Smash that is dodged or parried will not apply the effect. 

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The third tank remains ready to grab agro on the elemental packs that spawn when an arm is destroyed.  For this reason a Death Knight or Paladin tank is best suited for this job with their AoE threat generation abilities.

Ranged players need to setup so that they can avoid hitting other players when they are chosen as a target for the Focused Eyebeams.  A common strategy is to havetiffany jewelry all ranged players spread out along the back edge of the room.  Then, when targeted, they take a few steps forward and run the longest way across the room.  Since they will be more than 5 yards from all the other players in the back row, and behind the players in the front doing melee, no one else will get hit by the eye beams.  Once the beam stops, they find a spot in the back row again.

Melee DPS moves in tight to the body with the tank and shifts between targets as required. It is important to note that even though the arm’s graphic appears to be beside and in front of the main body, melee DPS should stay facing forward at all times.  If they turn to face the arm, it will in fact move in and out of range.  If you face forward you can always hit the arm.


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  • 访问量: 672
  • 日志数: 28
  • 建立时间: 2009-10-07
  • 更新时间: 2009-12-18


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