Rogue Opening Moves - wow gold

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-12-04 12:29:49 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴


Who uses it?  - Subtlety Rogues, and that's it.  It's not for damage, either.
And what do they get out of it? - Despite the large numbers and percentages involved, unless you are ambushing a normal enemy for a daily quest or a player in PvP, it just doesn't scale very well.  Ambush is used when the monster will die outright, you want to show off a big yellow number opening, or to activate Waylay and cripple your target.  Even though you can use this move more during Shadow Dance, it still lackswow gold the punch needed to compete with other openers for more serious business than grey opponents.


Who uses it? - More or less everyone looking to do undispellable damage over time.
And what do they get out of it? - Garrote has gone from being a joke to reliably being our highest damage opener.  The problem is, it requires our enemy to be facing away, something that isn't always an option during a pull and we need to start killing our target ASAP in PvE.  Be ready to blow your sprint in order to land this, and it should be your opener as Assassination in PvE so you can instantly activate Hunger for Blood rather than wait to drop a Rupture.  Since everyone worth a damn will trinket out of a cheap shot if you spring up on them, this is your most reliable opener against everything but dwarves.  Don't forget about the silence component!  It can give you the time you need to build a combo on any caster.
 ,wow gold;


Who uses it? - If you have the talent, obviously!
And what do you get out of it? - Some really nasty setups.  I love how I can have a 5 point combo by the time my garrote silence ends.  Itwow gold should be used every time you're preparing to open up on a target with no exception now that the cooldown isn't absurd.  Against the unprepared,  you can drop a 5 point kidney shot  by the time the silence wears off and effectively destroy warlocks before they can cast.  Ahh, the life of the Rogue is not without some benefits in PvP still.

Cheap Shot

Who uses it - If you play a rogue, you use this.
And what do you get out of it? - 2 points, a 4 second stun, and the target being really pissed off that they just got cheap shotted and are being stabbed repeatedly.  This is probably the most hated ability in the game for Rogues simply because the sound and impact of it are so familiar after a while.  The energy cost is quite high, but the return is high as well.  If your PvE target is going to last a good while, this is your opener of choice rather than just slaughtering them outright.  In the time it takes for most players to react, you should be able to build a 4 point combo in preparation for a trinket escape.  It's up to you at that point if a kidney shot is your next move.  This has far less worth against Mages due to blink.
Picking the right opener for your target is essential to being the best Rogue in the business.  Opening with Cheap Shotbuy wow gold against every target will get you burned horribly against Mages, opening with Garrote against Dwarves, don't be that guy!  Energy Management is just as important as building those combo points, so keep that in mind when unleashing hell in PvP.  If you Cheap Shot and then Sinister Strike, you're suddenly out of energy completely.  Don't get taken out because you mashed buttons and couldn't kick. Use your energy wisely and use those openers to get the early advantage!  They're a unique aspect of combat to us and the benefits are not to be underestimated.  That is, unless you'd prefer to Mutilate or Sinister Strike out of stealth.  You're on your own there buddy.

TAG: gold wow





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 日志数: 28
  • 建立时间: 2009-10-07
  • 更新时间: 2009-12-18


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