Kirin Tor Reputation Guide - wow gold

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The Kirin Tor eventually became the ruling body of the small yet grand city of Dalaran. Their headquarters being thetiffany ,wow gold;Violet Citadel, which contained many libraries, research chambers, classrooms,buy wow gold, and bedrooms. The ruling council of six met in a room with no visible walls, the Chamber of Air. But even the Kirin Tor eventually found themselves unable to stop  Prince Arthas in his advance on Lordaeron.

Arthas gained the spell book of Medivh and Kel’Thuzad used it to summon Archimonde who then destroyed Dalaran. Since Kel’Thuzad was once a part of the Kirin Tor many felt the destruction was deserved and punishment for Kel’Thuzad&rsquo,cheap wow gold;s crimes. The Kirin Tor however refused to leave their home and they returned to the ruins. Once they had reclaimed the city they erected a giant purple dome around the city that would destroy anyone so bold as to touch it.

Kirin Tor Reputation

Like most other factions the Kirin Tor have quests scattered throughout Northrend that can be done as you level up. While certainly not as many quests are available for the Kirin Tor as other factions, there are enough to give you quite a good start. Included in this  listing will be the quest level, reputation gained, and if the quest is faction specific or available to both Horde and Alliance. If the quest as no reputation listed beside it, it indicates a quest that does not give reputation but needs to be done to unlock others that do.

Daily Quests
The Kirin Tor do not have daily quests available like the other factions in Wrath of the Lich King as Kirin Tor reputation can only be gained by completing Dungeon and Heroic Dungeon dailies, and Dalaran profession (cooking, jewel crafting, and fishing) dailies. This can make the reputation grind harder or easier depending on how many daily Dungeons you wish to do and how many of these professions you are involved in.

All the fishing dailies can be obtained from Marcia Chase in the Eventide located in Dalaran. Fishing dailies can be completed by any fishing skill (although higher skill makes things much quicker) and are available at level 70. All Fishing dailies award  250 reputation with the Kirin Tor.

Normal Daily Dungeon
These quests can be picked up from Archmage Timear near the Violet Citadel. Starting at level 78 these quests can be obtained by both Horde and Alliance and will send you to one of various instances throughout Northrend. Thewow gold quests will vary day to day. Each Normal Daily Dungeon quests requires you to enter an instance and kill a certain number of specific mobs that can be found there. Upon completion of the quest not only will you receive an Emblem of Conquest, but also will have your choice of Commendation Badges. Each Commendation Badge gives 250 reputation to a specific faction. Choose the Kirin Tor Commendation Badge and use it and you will gain an instant 250 reputation with the Kirin Tor.

Kirin Tor Rewards
The Kirin Tor (once enough reputation is gained) offer many decent rewards for almost everyone including a fire resist stamina head slot enchant and a spell power critical strike head slot enchant. All can be purchased from Archmage Alvareaux in Dalaran.

[Tabard of the Kirin Tor]

[Arcanum of the Flame’s Soul] - Fire Resist/Stam Head Slot Enhancement
[Helm of the Majestic Stag] - Leather Head Armor
[Lightblade Rivener] - Fast One-Handed Melee Dagger
[Shroud of the Dedicated Research] - Caster Cloak
[Spaulders of Grounded Lightning] - Mail Shoulder Armor

[Arcanum of Burning Mysteries] - Spell Power/Crit Head Slot Enhancement
[Flameheart Spell Scalpel] - One-Handed Caster Dagger
[Girdle of the Warrior Magi] - Platetiffany jewelry

[Mind-Expanding Leggings] - Leather Leg Armor
[Stave of Shrouded Mysteries] - Feral Attack Power Staff

[Boots of Twinkling Stars] - Mail Foot Armor
[Fireproven Gauntlets] - Plate Head Armor
[Ghostflicker Waistband] - Leather Waist Armor
[Robes of Crackling Flame] - Cloth Chest Armor
[Design: Runed Scarlet Ruby] - Spell Power Jewelcrafting Design
[Pattern: Sapphire Spellthread] - Tailoring Pattern: Spell Power/Stam Leg Enhancement

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  • 访问量: 3567
  • 日志数: 82
  • 建立时间: 2009-12-02
  • 更新时间: 2010-08-02


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