The Revenge of Anub’arak - cheap wow gold

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-01-05 15:28:09 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Picking subjects for the Lore Corner is hard, because I have a wizard’s hat (well, a witch hat but I glued on some handmade stars with glitter on them so it’s OK) that I shove various subjects written on folded up sheets of paper into. When I pull out one of the pieces of paper it’s often filled with “Mario & Luigi” or “Master Chef”. I don’t know how Master Chief became the Master Chef, but I do imagine he’d make a fine cook.

So instead I’ll use my amazing ability to come upcheap wow gold with the first thing that pops up in my mind. Which this week is: Anub’arak

See,cheap wow gold, I love Kel’thuzad, because this is YET ANOTHER story that ties in with ‘ol KT. Think about it. Whiny emo Blood Elves? BAM KT WAS THERE. Arthas feeling down? BOOM KT. Leveling up OH THERE IS KT. Visiting Dalaran? LITTLE KT IS HERE TO SAY HI. Anyway, Anub’arak was introduced in Warcraft III and is a pretty cool bug guy.

So you know Azjol-Nerub right? The place that was supposed to be a big city and a really cool instance/possible raid/involve Muradin’s expedition still surviving within it? Well, it didn’t have any of that, but one instance is super short and the other one is so/so. Alright so that’s the spider kingdom. It’s a kingdom for those weird spider things. I think they mutate to become the bugs that were in AQ40, but we’ll get into that some day later.

Alright so during the War of the Spider, when that crazy Orc Ner’zhul was in charge, they came in and destroyed the spider kingdom since they needed more troops for the scourge army. Anub’arak got smashed up, died, and was rez’d as a servant of the Lich King. So, he was a “spiderlord” before, now he’s an “undead spiderlord”, which makes him a Crypt Lord. Spider logic, shesh.

So with great power comes great responsibility. His first mission was to lead Kel’thuzad to Icecrown where he could start his legendary journey to be reborn every other patch. He did that, as we all know. I can only imagine Kel’thuzad dying a few times on the way there and Anub’arak sighing as he has to rez him AGAIN.

Next time he does the same thing, again, because he’s basically like the butler in Icecrown Citadel. So Arthas goes BACK to Northrend after running away from the Forsaken and to meet the call of the Lich King. Well my heroes Illidan and Prince Kael’thas were therewow gold with a MASSIVE army of Blood Elves and Naga. I don’t count Lady Vashj because she’s lame and annoying. So figuring out how to deal with it, they decide to take a shortcut through Azjol-nerub, Anub’s old home.

Now, I would imagine a spider city that’s been purged of spiders beforehand would just have a few spiders in it. Naw. It’s full of a lot of living spiders and DWARVES. See, the Dwarves that came with Muradin kinda got stuck in Northrend and were in this spider place guarding this terrible horrible thing or something. That campaign mission was confusing.

Well, Anub & Arthas rush through Azjol-Nerub where you find the Faceless Ones and then a Forgotten One who looks like an Old God. Faceless Ones, we now know, are basically the pawns of Yogg-Saron. They make it through that and an earthquake hits, because that kind of thing just has to happen in a story like this.

Anub, being the lord of digging, digs his way back to Arthas and then they high five one another like bros do when they see one another again while downing some Azerothian natty ice. They go up to the surface where Illidan and crew waits, but Illidan is really good at beer pong and Arthas is pretty drunk on Lich King power by this point. Anub helps fight them off and eventually becomes the butler in Icecrown again.

From that point, you see him again twice more. He goes back to Azjol-Nerub and redecorates it in the name of the Scourge. The few spider people that aren’t evil (how are spider people NOT evil) ask you to be like Spiderman and kill him for him. Well, Spiderman wouldn’t kill anyone, but I’m not sure if spider people can read since they are, well spiders.

Other locations I wouldn’t mind would be, well, anything other than New York. I get scared enough navigating the highways in California. I wouldn’t want to dare trying to go anywhere in New York.

You know what would be awesome? Texas. Now, I know, Texas is hot and has a lot of stigma from being Texas. However, it’s easy to get to from the West and East coast and I’m sure there are structures there big enough tougg boots hold in the entire collection of Blizzard fans. Better yet, if it was an outdoor venue. Sure it’d smell bad (BlizzCon surprisingly enough never smelled bad to me) from the heat and sweat but I’m sure they could pack in twice or three times the numbers easily.

TAG: boots cheap gold ugg wow





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 更新时间: 2010-08-02


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