Instances and Raiding Guide - wow gold

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Section I: Who Am I Healing Again?

This may seem like silly and unneeded advice, but this basic rule is often ignored or forgotten. In a 5 man party you are obviously expected to heal everyone including yourself, however once you enter a 10 or 25 man raiding situation things become slightly more complicated. Not knowing who you are healing in these larger raid situations can lead to manycheap wow gold ,led lights;preventable deaths and/or your entire raid wiping.

Section II: Trust Your Fellow Healers

This section goes hand in hand with Section I as it relates to sticking to your healing assignment. While once again not an issue while running a 5 man instance where you will be the sole healer, this is nevertheless an important rule to remember. Trusting your other healers, even if you have never healed with them before will ensure that you are not stretching yourself too thin, and will also allow any weak links to be weeded out.

This is a difficult concept for some, as they have a hard time relinquishing control and allowing other healers to do their job. It’s also difficult to stick solely to your job when you can obviously see another healer or simply not doing their job. While it is tempting to throw out those extra heals to pad the healing meters, or “save” the raid it is really helping no one in the long run.

Section III: Don’t Die

Don’t die. A dead healer is a healer who is doing absolutely no healing and as such is basically just an empty raid spot. You might be able to snag a battle rez, or maybe a nice Warlock gave you a Soul Stone, but your goal should be not to die in the first place. This leads us to the “don’t suck” part of the equation.

Section IV: Preemptive Healing

Preemptive healing, or healing in accordance with anticipated damage is something that all healers should strive to dowow gold in every party and raid when possible. This way your cast is winding up and finishes as the damage lands on your heal target,nfl jerseys, or shortly after, greatly reducing the chances of death.

For example Hodir (a boss located in Ulduar) will cast Frozen Blows throughout the fight. Frozen Blows increases his Physical damage making the tank take extra damage, and at the same time does massive raid damage. This damage can easily be mitigated and deaths can be avoided by some preemptive healing. Those healing the tank can wind up some larger heals to take care of the large damage he/she is about to take, while raid healers can cast HoTs or have instant heals ready to be cast when the damage hits.

Section IV: Mana Management

Mana is the thing that makes a healer’s world go around. Without mana a healer cannot cast their life saving heals, and as such are rendered fairly useless, unless of course they dash about bandaging their party members. As such managing your mana should be one of your main focuses while healing.

With Blizzard designing encounters that last longer periods of time, managing your mana becomes ever more important. A healer can easily blow their entire mana bar in a matter of seconds, leaving their healing assignment high and dry. This can result in the death of a single person or even lead to a chain of events that may wipe your entire party or raid. There are several things you can do to help manage your mana:

Section VI: Ignore the Healing Meters

While I do encourage some healthy competition between healers, if taken too far it can really hinder rather than help the raid. In general ignore the healing meters, while they may be a useful tool to check when something is obviously wrong in the healing department, they really should be the  furthest thing from your mind while healing in a raid or party.

Section VII: Understand Your Class

Understanding the class you are playing is very important. Each class has it’s strengths and weaknesses,wedding dresses, and also offers upwow gold different healing styles. Becoming intimate with your class, knowing which spec is best, what enhancements to put on your gear, what spells are available to you, and even spell rotation is a major factor in how well you will do playing that class.

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