More Doctors Giving Up Private Practices

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-02-23 04:37:49

More Doctors Giving Up Private PracticesA quiet revolution is transforming how medical care is delivered in this country,Cord embroideryand it has very little to do with the sweeping health care legislation that PresidentCordObama just signed into law. But it could have a big impact on that law’s chances for success.

Traditionally, American medicine has been largely a cottage industry. Most doctors cared for patients in small, privately owned clinics — sometimes in rooms adjoining their homes.

But an increasing share of young physicians, burdened by medical school debts and seeking regular hours, are deciding against opening private practices. Instead, they are accepting salaries at hospitals and health systems. And a growing number of older doctors — facing rising costs and fearing they will not be able to recruit junior partners — are selling their practices and moving into salaried jobs, too.

As recently as 2005, more than two-thirds of medical practices were physician-owned — a share that had been relatively constant for many years, the Medical Group Management Association says. But within three years, that share dropped below 50 percent, and analysts say the slide has continued.

For patients, the transformation in medicine is a mixed blessing.CordIdeally,Cord embroiderybigger health care organizations can provide better, more coordinated care. But the intimacy of longstanding doctor-patient relationships may be going the way of the house call.

And for all the vaunted efficiencies of health care organizations, there are signs that the trend toward them is actually a big factor in the rising cost of private health insurance. In much of the country, health systems are known by another name: monopolies.

With these systems, private insurers often have little negotiating power in setting rates — and the Congressional health care legislation makes little provision for altering this dynamic.CordIf anything, the legislation contains provisions — including efforts to combine payments for certain kinds of medical care —Cord embroiderythat may further speed the decline of the private-practice doctor and the growth of Big Medicine.

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