she is the true account owner

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-10 23:41:52

she is the true account ownerIn a blog post Thursday, Facebook said that concerned usersArtificial pumpkinscouldChristmas decorationsnow register “approved” devices that they used to access the site, such as their home computer, work computer and mobile phone, and be notified by e-mail message — and text message, if they liked — should someone try to access their account from a device that’s not on their list. If it wasn’t you who logged in, the notification e-mail message will have instructions on how to remove the unauthorized device and change your password.

To activate this feature, go to the “Account Settings” page, which can be reached through a drop down menu if you click “Account” in the top right corner of any page. Then click on the link that says “change” next to “Account Security” toward the bottom. Select the option to receive notifications for any logins from devices you haven’t used before. The next time you log in, you’ll be asked to name and save the devices you use to access Facebook and then will receive a confirmation e-mail.

Facebook also added a security-question feature designed to blockChristmas decorationsattempted logins from unusual devices and require the person who is trying to log in to prove he or she is the true account owner.

“For example, we might ask the person to enter a birth date, identify a friend in a photo or answer a security question if you’ve previously provided one,” wrote Lev Popov, a software engineer on Facebook’s site integrity team, in the blog post. “These questions are designed to be easy for you, and hard for a bad guy, and we’ve already seen some great results.”

Mr. Popov promised people would be asked to prove their identities only “on the rare occasion that we notice something different.”

Facebook has become one of the most popular targets for “phishers,” cybercriminals who try to steal login information for key Web sites and takeover accounts in order to send spam, run scams or steal money or personal information useful in identity fraud. Facebook was the No. 4 most targeted siteArtificial pumpkinsby phishers during the firstChristmas decorationsquarter of this year, after PayPal, eBay and HSBC, according to security software maker Kaspersky.

TAG: 生活





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