Marley's ghost2

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-01-26 10:12:59 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Marley's ghost2Marley's ghost2Uncle!Please don't say that!’Diamond Tools Machinerysaid the nephew.‘I've always thought of Christmas as a time to be helpful and kind to other People.It's the only time of the year when men and women open their hearts freely to each other.And so,uncle, although I've never made any money from it,I think Christmas has been and will be a good time for me!And I say,God bless Christmas!’ Bob,in the cupboard,agreed loudly,without thinking.He immediately realized his mistake,and went quickly back to his work,but Scrooge had heard him. ‘If I hear another sound from you,’said Scrooge,‘you'll lose you job!’

‘Don't be angry with him,uncle,’said the nephew.‘come and have dinner with us tomorrow.’ ‘Dinner with you?I'll see you dead first!’ ‘But why won't you come?Why?’ ‘Because Christmas is humbug!Good afternoon!’ ‘I want nothing from you.I ask nothing of you.Why can't we be friends?’

‘Good afternoon!’said Scrooge. ‘I am sorry,with all my heart,to find you like this.I have never wanted to argue with you #x.But I came to see you and invite you because it's Christmas,and so I'll say,a merry Christmas,uncle!’ ‘Good afternoon,’said Scrooge. ‘And a happy new year!’ ‘Good afternoon!’said Scrooge. His nephew left the room,without an angry word,stopping only to wish Bob Cratchit a merry Christmas. Then two other gentlemen came in.They were large,round,comfortable-looking men,with books and papers in their hands.

‘This is Scrooge and Marley's,I think,’said oneDiamond Tools Machineryof them, looking at the papers that he was carrying.‘Am I speaking to Mr Scrooge or Mr Marley?’ ‘Mr Marley is dead,’scrooge replied.‘He died seven years ago today,on Christmas Eve.’ ‘I'm sure that you are just as kind to the poor as your partner,’said the gentleman,smiling. What was true was that Scrooge was just as mean as Marley,and Marley had been just as mean as Scrooge.

‘At this happy time of year,Mr Scrooge,’the gentleman went on,Travel qingdao,taking up his pen,‘we should help poor people who have no food or clothes or homes.’ ‘Are there no prisons?’asked Scrooge coldly. ‘Plenty of prisons,’said the gentleman.

‘And the workhouses,where poor people can live and work?Are they still open?’

‘Yes,they are,I'm sorry to say.’

‘I'm happy to hear It,’said Scrooge.‘I thought,from what you said at first,that perhaps these useful places were closed,for some reason.’

‘But some of us feel,’replied the gentleman,‘that these places don't offer enough to poor people.We're hoping to give some meat and drink,and wood for a fire,to people who need all these things.This is a time when we should all be able to enjoy ourselves.How much will you give,sir?’

‘Nothing!’scrooge replied.‘I don't have a merry Christmas myself #x,and I won't pay for other people to be merry.We all have to pay for prisons and workhouses—they cost enough.The poor will have to go there.’

‘Many can't go there,and many prefer to die.’

‘If they prefer to die,why don't they die,then?There are too many people in the worldDiamond Tools Machinery,so it's a good thing if some of them die.All this is none of my business!It's enough for a man to understand his own business,and not to think about other people's.I'm a very busy man.Good afternoon,gentlemen!’

TAG: qingdao travel





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 日志数: 500
  • 建立时间: 2010-01-19
  • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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