Rebuilding Haiti 'to take 10 years'

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-01-26 17:02:28 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Rebuilding Haiti 'to take 10 years'Rebuilding Haiti 'to take 10 years'The prime minister of Haiti has saidConcrete Mixing Stationthat his country needs at least five to 10 years of reconstruction help after its people were "bloodied, martyred and ruined" by the devastating earthquake this month.

Jean-Max Bellerive said on Monday at an international aid conference that "the people of Haiti will need more and more and more in order to complete the reconstruction".

The conference in the Canadian city of Montreal was not intended to bring specific aid promises but to assess immediate needs and begin charting Haiti's long-term recovery from the January 12 earthquake.

"We're trying to do this in the correct order. Sometimes people have pledging conferencesConcrete Mixing Stationand pledge money and they don't have any idea what they are going to do with it," Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, said at a closing news conference.

The group said it would hold an international pledging conference #x at the UN headquarters in New York in March.

'Partners, not patrons'

SPECIAL REPORT "We actually think it's a novel idea to do the needs assessment first, and then the planning, and then the pledging," Clinton said. Clinton also said Washington would stand by Haiti in its efforts to work towards reconstruction.

"It's important that we see ourselves as partners of Haiti, not patrons; that we work intensely together to produce results that can be seen and felt by the Haitians themselves," she said.

Echoing that, Bellerive said efforts to rebuild Haiti must be led from inside the country,Ray Ban, rather than by foreign governments or aid organisations.

"Haitians continue to work in precarious conditions but it isConcrete Mixing Stationin the position to assume the leadership expected of it by its people in order to relaunch the country #x on the path to reconstruction," he said.

TAG: ban ray





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  • 建立时间: 2010-01-19
  • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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