Goldsmith faces Iraq Inquiry quiz

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-01-27 15:05:46 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Goldsmith faces Iraq Inquiry quizGoldsmith faces Iraq Inquiry quiz

Former attorney general Lord Goldsmith is to face tough questions aboutRay Banhow he came to advise Tony Blair that the Iraq war was legal.

He will be asked whether Ministers put pressure on him to agree the conflict was lawful when he appears before the Chilcot Inquiry.

As the Government's top lawyer at the time of the 2003 invasion#xz, he was responsible for providing the legal advice that confirmed Mr Blair's decision to launch military action against Iraq.

Witnesses have already told the inquiry that Lord Goldsmith expressed doubts about 3x whether the war would be legal without another United Nations Security Council resolution.

A newly declassified document showed he was initially "pessimistic"Ray Banthat there was sufficient legal basis for military action.

It has since emerged that Lord Goldsmith received taxpayer-funded legal support as he prepared for the hearing.

In a statement, the office of current Attorney General Lady Scotland said: "Like other witnesses, Lord Goldsmith has been provided with basic legal support, as envisaged in the witness protocol on the inquiry website. Attorney General's Office staff have provided support in facilitating access to papers (ie finding,Energy saving lamps, photocopying, liaising with the inquiry etc).

"They have received some help from Treasury Solicitors who have - in order to minimise costs - contracted out some of the administrative assistance to a junior barrister... This time is costed at approximately £2,000."

Lord Goldsmith stepped down as attorney general when Mr Blair quit Downing Street in June 2007.

His evidence will set the scene for the much-anticipated appearance of the former prime minister before the inquiry on Friday. Mr Blair will undergo six hours of questioning about his secret talks with US president GeorgeRay BanBush, his involvement in drawing up the controversial dossiers on the threat posed by Iraq and#x his decision to commit British troops.

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