hydrant water supply systems and

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-08 11:41:41 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

High-rise or multi-layer apartment buildingsfirehydrant water supply systems andautomatic sprinkler water supply system, water supplyTraffic barricadesmeans extensive use of fire water supply equipment, water supply pressure, the device usually by air pressure tank, pump unit, piping systems, electric control system, automatic control cabinet so on. Pump is started normally by the pre-set #xpressure value is controlled by the daily pump regulator regulator to maintain the system --- the most negative point of water required for fire safety work pressure. When a fire occurs, the system automatically through the automatic control cabinet to start fighting fire pump water. In accordance with national industry standards in the provision of public safety,NCR parts, fire pressure water supply equipment should have automatic start, manual start and remote start operation of three kinds of ways to#x start, and in the automatic control state of readiness to be able to start the fire pump at the same time have the remote control wiring available the signal terminals in order to compensate for the automatic control failure caused by defects. This shows that the remote control is only an emergency remedial相关的主题文章:

TAG: ncr parts





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  • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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