Northrop halts pursuit of tanker contract

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-10 10:14:53 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Northrop halts pursuit of tanker contractNorthrop halts pursuit of tanker contractDefense giant Northrop Grumman said Monday thatCord embroidery fabricit is pulling out of the $40 billion competition to build aerial refueling tankers for the Air Force, a move #xthat defense analysts and procurement specialists say leaves its rival Boeing as the likely winner.

Northrop's decision marked the latest twist in the nearly decade-long fight over one of the Pentagon's biggest and most controversial contracts and raised questions about the impact of procurement reforms proposed by the Obama administration.

In announcing its withdrawal,中小企业国际市场开拓资金, Northrop said that the government's requirements did not recognize the value of the larger refueling platform. it had proposed and instead favored Boeing's proposal to build a smaller tanker using a prototype of its 767 aircraft.

Wes Bush, chief executive of Los Angeles-based NorthropCord embroidery fabric, said that under those conditions, it no longer made financial sense to stay in the competition.

"We have a fiduciary responsibility to our shareholders to prudently invest our corporate resources," he said. "Investing further resources to submit a bid would not be acting responsibly."

Deputy Secretary of Defense William Lynn said in a statement that the Pentagon was "disappointed" that Northrop had pulled out of the competition, noting that it "competed well on both price" and other factors. "We strongly believe that the current competition is structured fairly and that both companies could compete effectively," Lynn said.

The government #xhas been trying for years to award a contract to replace the Air Force's aging fleet of planes used for refueling military aircraft midflightCord embroidery fabric, but the effort to build 179 new tankers has been marred by controversy.

TAG: 中小企业国际市





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