Council gets ready to deal with 2010 budget

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-16 11:12:12 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Council gets ready to deal with 2010 budgetCouncil gets ready to deal with 2010 budgetDirector of Finance and Administration Jerry Fizell,Metal halide bulbsproposed that council meets March 24, 29, 30 and 31 from 7 to 10 p.m., for staff to present the 2010 budget to council.#x

The process is for department managers to complete their individual budgets,Metal halide bulbswhich are then collectively reviewed by staff and then presented to council. If council members have identified or wish to identify items for consideration, those items would be included in the budget package.

Council reviews RinC Grant submission

An overview of the scope of work and budget related to the RinC Grant submission and strategies to accomplish the goals of the project within the budget of $2 million, with March 31, 2011 scheduled to be the end date was presented to council. #xDirector of Parks and Recreation Dan Poulin has asked them to investigate other ice surface lighting aside from metal halide, in particular T5 and light metal halide lighting. He also asked them to determine what the resulting "foot candles" of lighting would be,katana, so that a standard such as that associated with an event like the Royal Bank Cup (minimum of 100 ft. candles) be met.

Also addressed was the type of roof replacement and what the timelines would be from start to finish, considering their start of an "ice in" date of mid-August.Metal halide bulbsThe town wanted to know whether forced air heating in the arena side, will be just for the spectator area or if the whole side will be heated. The report submitted to council indicated the new roof provides low emmisivity, therefore the low emmisivity ceiling will be removed. #x

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    • 日志数: 500
    • 建立时间: 2010-01-19
    • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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