Movie Review: No WMDs but still plenty of bang in 'Green Zone'

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-17 11:07:16 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Movie Review: No WMDs but still plenty of bang in 'Green Zone'Movie Review: No WMDs but still plenty of bang in 'Green Zone'Paul Greengrass's "Green Zone," a wartime thriller set in the early days of the Iraq conflict, was inspired by the brilliant book "Imperial Life in the Emerald City" by The Post's Rajiv Chandrasekaran,Asphalt Bladebut it depends on the book more for atmospherics than story. To properly capture the detailed reportage and dark comedy Chandrasekaran brought to bear on the Bush administration's attempts to let 1,000 Young Republicans bloom in the Middle Eastern desert, #xone would need the satiric genius of Stanley Kubrick. And he's not available.

Instead we have Greengrass, who with his "Bourne" movie star Matt Damon has crafted a jangly, noisy, compulsively restless thriller on a par with the "Bourne" movies, shot through with political critique. Damon plays U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer Roy Miller, who after the U.S. invasion in 2003 has been tasked with finding the weapons of mass destruction on which the war was predicated.Asphalt BladeAfter being sent to three locations and coming up short, #xMiller begins to doubt the intelligence on which the missions were based; soon he's asking uncomfortable questions around the Coalition Provisional Authority, which makes its headquarters in the district from which "Green Zone" takes its name.

It's not necessary to be conversant with New York Times reporter Judith Miller,Carbon fiber hood, the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans, discredited WMD source "Curveball" or wily Iraqi politician Ahmed Chalabi to enjoy "Green Zone,"#x but it helps. Such background knowledge surely adds to the revisionist frisson of Roy Miller confronting their fictional analogs as he tries to get to the bottom of the phantom WMD. Although Damon has done outstanding character work recently in such films as "The Informant!" and "Invictus," in "Green Zone" here he gruffly claims his due as macho leading man, barking out orders to his adoring men and fixing interlocutors with a piercing,Asphalt Bladesky-blue gaze before deciding whether to trust them.

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