Health Reform Myths

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-26 17:17:06 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Health Reform. MythsHealth Reform. MythsHealth reform. is back from the dead.plastic fruitMany Democrats have realized that their electoral prospects will be better if they can point to a real accomplishment. #xPolling on reform. — which was never as negative as portrayed — shows signs of improving. And I’ve been really impressed by the passion and energy of this guy Barack Obama. Where was he last year?

But reform. still has to run a gantlet of misinformation and outright lies. So let me address three big myths about the proposed reform, myths that are believed by many people who consider themselves well-informed, but who have actually fallen for deceptive spin.

The first of these myths, which has been all over the airwaves lately, is the claim that President Obama is proposing a government takeover of one-sixth of the economy, the share of G.D.P. currently spent on health.

Well, if having the government regulate and subsidize health insurance is a “takeover,”plastic fruitthat takeover happened long ago. Medicare,Compact fluorescent lamp, Medicaid, and other government programs already pay for almost half of American health care,#x while private insurance pays for barely more than a third (the rest is mostly out-of-pocket expenses). And the great bulk of that private insurance is provided via employee plans, which are both subsidized with tax exemptions and tightly regulated.

The only part of health care in which there isn’t already a lot of federal intervention is the market in which individuals who can’t get employment-based coverage buy their own insurance. And that market, in case you hadn’t noticed, is a disaster — no coverage for people with pre-existing medical conditions, coverage dropped when you get sick, and huge premium increases in the middle of an economic crisis. It’s this sector, plus the plight of Americans with no insurance at all, that reform. aims to fix. What’s wrong with that?

The second myth is that the proposed reform. does nothing to control costs.#x To support this claim,plastic fruitcritics point to reports by the Medicare actuary, who predicts that total national health spending would be slightly higher in 2019 with reform. than without it.

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