Ministry to support IT convergence efforts

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-08 11:28:19 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Ministry to support IT convergence effortsMinistry to support IT convergence effortsIn 2004, LG Electronics developed the world’s #xfirstGrow lights“diabetes phone,” which allowed users to check their blood-sugar levels and get remote treatment from doctors.

It was a technological breakthrough that melded the latest in biotechnology and IT with the medical world, promising to revolutionize diabetes treatments going forward.

Industrial convergence - which combines the fields of nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science - is emerging as a new cash cow for many countries. But a lack of legal and institutional bases for IT convergence in Korea is causing a widening gap between the country and more advanced nations in the sector.

Against that background, the ministry said it is looking to craft legislation this year to stimulate industrial convergence, announcing yesterday the formation of a committee to spearhead these efforts. “The convergence between industries will create a synergy for the country by eliminating the limits of the closed-door industrialGrow lightsdevelopment paradigm,” Knowledge Economy Minister Choi Kyung-hwan said in a statement. “This will mark a defining moment in the country’s growth policies.”

The ministry said the legislation will focus on policies for deregulating the field, supporting local companies in research and development and fostering the commercialization of industrial convergence technologies. The ministry said it plans to draft a bill and submit it to the National Assembly by September. The enactment and implementation of the bill could take place next year, it said. The ministry said it is specifically aiming to catch up with the United States, the European Union and Japan. Local companies overwhelmingly agree that the government should get involved. A survey of 1,346 firms conducted last week by the Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry showed that 91.5 percent of respondents back the legislation.

“Given the global trend, the government’s efforts are somewhat belated, but it is still a welcome move,Compact fluorescent lamp,” said Lee In-sik, head of the Science Culture Research Center, #xa privateGrow lightsresearch agency.

TAG: compact fluore grow lights





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