Plus: Janet Jackson expected to talk to Oprah Winfrey about loss of Michael

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-27 17:48:40 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Plus: Janet Jackson expected to talk to Oprah Winfrey about loss of MichaelPlus: Janet Jackson expected to talk to Oprah Winfrey about loss of MichaelNeed more evidence that Jesse James engagedNCR partsin many activities that wife Sandra Bullock knew nothing about?

A picture of him #xdoing his best Nazi impersonation adds to that mounting evidence. Us Weekly obtained the 2004 photo, in which James is wearing a Nazi cap, using his fingers to create a Hitler mustache and giving the infamous Nazi salute.

While there is no justification for such a thing, James’ attorney Joe Yanny told CNN that the hat was a “gag gift” from James’ Jewish godfather. And as if to illustrate that James was not an anti-Semite,NCR parts, Yanny said that James had actually lived on a kibbutz in Israel for “nearly a month.”

The photo was taken a year before Bullock and James married. According to a source who spoke to Us Weekly, James took the photo just for “shock value,”NCR partsand he is “not a white supremacist.” James has not offered up any comment himself. #xHe’s currently in a rehab center in Arizona.

Janet Jackson heads to Oprah

Janet Jackson will be appearing on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” Friday. She’s there to promote her new film, “Why Did I Get Married Too?” but she’s also going to talk to Winfrey about what was going on in her life while she was filming — namely, the death of her brother Michael last June.

Janet Jackson has promoted the film with several outlets before Winfrey, but according to a source close to the singer-actress, only Winfrey is getting details on life with her brother Michael, and her feelings about his death.

“Michael’s death wasn’t about Janet. #xThat’s why she’s said so little about it,”NCR partsthe source said. “But she did care deeply about Michael, and tried to help him. If Janet is going to talk to anyone about Michael’s death, it’s going to be Oprah.”

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:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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