Get out the periodic table, kids! There's a new element: 117

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-29 10:07:29 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Get out the periodic table, kids! There's a new element: 117.Get out the periodic table, kids! There's a new element: 117.What once looked no closer to reality than #xtheTarpsfictitious chemical element "unobtainium" has now taken its place on the periodic table of chemical elements.

Let’s hear it for element 117, the last holdout in the last row of the periodic table. An international team of physicists reports that it has produced the element – fleetingly – in an atom smasher in Russia.

The discovery brings to 26 the number of so-called transuranic elements scientists have uncovered – elements that extend the periodic table beyond uranium. Element 117,Positive Plate, which has yet to receive a formal name, is the fifth new element scientists have discovered in the past decade.

Taken together, "these elements expand our understanding of the universe and provide important tests of nuclear theories," said Vanderbilt University physicist Joe Hamilton, in a statement. Dr. Hamilton is aTarpsmember of the team reporting the results.

Although these elements are widely considered "artificial," appearing only in the lab, some researchers say they may occur in nature as extremely rare, fleeting by-products of supernovae – massive stars that blow themselves apart after they’ve exhausted the fuel for their nuclear furnaces.

The discovery of new elements has a millenniums-long history. But by the early part of the 20th century as scientists dug deep into the properties of atoms, new elements increasingly appeared in the lab as researchers bombarded known elements with neutrons or proton-neutron blends known as #xalpha particles –Tarpsproducts of radioactive decay.

TAG: plate positive





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