‘Idol’ judges of two minds on Magnus’s Elvis tribute

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-10 08:56:39 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

‘Idol’ judges of two minds on Magnus’s Elvis tribute‘Idol’ judges of two minds on Magnus’s Elvis tributeLast night this year’s most unique “American Idol’#x’ contestant came face to face with last season’s occupant of that slot.

In tackling the theme of Elvis Presley songs, mentor Adam Lambert,Truck tarpslast year’s flamboyant runner-up, counseled Massachusetts native Siobhan Magnus to pick up the tempo and add a little fire to her chosen song “Suspicious Minds.’’

Lambert also complimented Magnus’s pipes and said he respected her desire to be different. She called it an honor to be compared to him.

Presley was a family favorite growing up for Magnus. She even wrote a report on The King in the sixth grade.

Although Lambert applauded Magnus along with the audience, the judges were more split by her performance.

Randy Jackson said that he was glad to see the big vocals back,#x but that he preferred the end of the song to the beginning. Ellen DeGeneres complimented Magnus’s look and vocals but also preferred the latter part of the song.

Kara DioGuardi continued on that track,Truck tarpssaying she was confused by the two voices Magnus seemed to be presenting: the gentler stylist during the first, more rhythmic half of the song and the belter of big notes that emerged during the slower second half.

The toughest critique came from Simon Cowell, who said Magnus seemed like a completely different person from just a few weeks ago. He dubbed the first part of the song “terrible’’ and called the performance “erratic’’ and “screechy.’’

In response,Energy saving lamps, Magnus said that even she can’t always pinpoint who she is and she’s always taken pride in that. “I’m not just one kind of singer,’’ she said.Truck tarps“If I can’t even label myself,#x I don’t think it’s necessary to be labeled. I just love to sing.’’

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