Are too many people taking heartburn drugs?

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-20 09:04:18 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Are too many people taking heartburn drugs?Are too many people taking heartburn drugs?In one of the studies, Howell and his colleagues examined data from more than 100,000 patients hospitalized for conditions ranging from cancer to dehydration. #x People who took a proton pump inhibitor once a day had a 74 percent increased risk of acquiring a C. difficile infection in the hospital, the researchers found, while people who took the drugs more frequently were at more than twice the risk of infection.

Textile fabricsThe overall risk was small, however. The rate of infection was 0.9 percent and 1.4 percent in those taking the drugs daily and more than once a day, respectively, compared to 0.3 percent in individuals who didn't receive any acid-suppression therapy.

In another study, conducted by a separate research team, patients who were already being treated for C. difficile infections and took a proton pump inhibitor were 42 percent more likely to see the infection return compared to similar patients who didn't take the drugs.

"There are benefits to using PPIs, but as we move forward I think we need to really look at the indications, given that there are benefits but also risks for each individual patient,Energy saving lamps," says Dr. Amy Linsky, lead author of that study and a fellow in internal medicine at Boston Medical Center. #x

The studies are part of a special theme issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine, the first in a new series examining the downside of overusing medical care.Textile fabrics

Dr. Mitchell Katz, the director of the San Francisco Department of Public Health and author of an editorial accompanying the studies, estimates that 30 percent to 40 percent of the people who take proton pump inhibitors need them for health problems such as ulcers and Barrett's esophagus, a precancerous condition in which the lining of the esophagus is damaged by excess stomach acid.

But the remaining 60 percent to 70 percent -- who take the drugs for more common conditions such as indigestion and heartburn -- probably don't need them or should try lifestyle. changes before resorting to medication, he adds.

"As a culture, we tend to want a pill to deal with our problems,Textile fabricswhen a lot of people could reduce their heartburn by eating smaller meals, drinking less alcohol, #x or not smoking," Katz says. "Clearly there are people who benefit. But when 60 percent to 70 percent of people don't need to be taking it, that's a huge problem."

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  • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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