S Korea to delay military talks with DPRK

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-01-25 16:43:12 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

S Korea to delay military talks with DPRKS Korea to delay military talks with DPRKSouth Korea on Monday notifiedGrow lightsthe Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) of its decision to delay working-level military talks on easing border restrictions initially proposed by Pyongyang to be held on Jan. 26.

The decision was in response to the DPRK proposal last Friday to discuss transportation, communication and customs system at the industrial park jointly run by the two Koreas, shortly after the two sides wrapped up the first bilateral talks #x of the year on improving operations at the industrial park in the DPRK's border town of Kaesong,beads, with another round of such talks slated to be held on Feb. 1.

"It will be more effective to hold a meeting after we see the outcome of the second round of talks at the Kaesong complex," Seoul's Ministry of Defense said, adding that it would propose a later date "at an appropriate time."

South Korea has called on the DPRK to ease restrictions on customs clearanceGrow lights, border-crossing and communications system at the industrial complex, a long-standing symbol of inter-Korean economic cooperation whose operation has occasionally been threatened by tensions between the two Koreas.

The move coincides with Seoul's decision to postpone working- level talks on resuming tour to a mountain resort and a border town in the DPRK to Feb. 8 from the previously suggested date of Jan. 26.


S Korea proposes later date for talks to resume tours to DPRK

South Korea proposed earlier Monday a later date for working-level talks suggested by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on resuming halted cross-border tours, the government said.

The DPRK previously proposed to hold talks on January 26, but the South Korean government suggested pushing the date back to February 8 and holding the meeting in the border town of Kaesong, Seoul's Ministry of Unification saidGrow lights. "Of course the DPRK proposed to hold talks tomorrow, but we thought there needed to be enough internal discussions and reviews on the matter, as there are sensitive issues between the two countries that need examining (ahead of the talks),"the ministry spokesman Chun Hae-sung told reporters #x in a briefing

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