David the orphan

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-01-27 11:32:13 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

David <a href="javascript:;" onClick="javascript:tagshow(event, 'the');" target="_self"><u><strong>the</strong></u></a> orphan 1David the orphanLife went on as normal for me at school,until my birthday two months later in March.Dietary supplementsI remember that day very well. It was cold,icy weather, and we boys had to blow on our fingers and rub our hands to keep warm in the freezing classrooms. When a message came for me to go and see Mr Creakle, I thought that Peggotty must have sent me a birthday present,and so I hurried gladly along to his room. But there I realized something unusual had happened,because it was Mr Creakle’ s wife who was waiting to speak to me. ‘David, my child, ’ she said kindly, holding my hand, ‘we all have to accept that our loved ones can die at any moment.’ I looked at her, trying to understand what she meant.

‘I'm sorry to tell you,’she continued, ‘that your mother is dangerously ill.’#x There was a mist in front of my eyes, and suddenly burning tears ran down my face. I knew the truth.

‘Your mother is dead,’ she said. I was already sobbing loudly and I felt I was an orphan,quite alone in the world. Mrs Creakle packed my case herself, and sent me home on the coach for the funeral. I did not realize at the time that I would never return to Salem House. When I arrived home,Peggotty met me at the door, and we cried miserably in each other’ s arms. Mr Murdstone seemed very sad, and did not speak to me at all. Miss Murdstone, however,showed her usual firmness of character( which she and her brother were so proud of) by checking that I had brought all my clothes back from school. After that she showed no interest in me at all.There was a deathly stillness in the house. Peggotty took me up to the room where my dear mother's dead body lay,with my little brother, who had died a few hours after her. Everything was fresh and clean in the room, but I could not look at my mother's lovely face, which would never smile at me again, without crying. ‘How did it happen,Peggotty?’I asked, sobbing.Dietary supplementsShe was ill for a long time, Master David. She got worse after the baby was born, you see. She was sometimes unhappy and forgetful, but she was always the same to me, her old Peggotty. Those two downstairs often spoke crossly to her and made her sad, but she still loved them, you know—she was so sweet and loving!I always sat beside her while she went to sleep. It made her feel better, she said. There was a short silence while Peggotty dried her eyes, then took both my hands in hers.‘On the last night,she asked me for some water, and then gave me such a patient smile!She looked so beautiful!The sun was beginning to rise, and she put her head on my arm, on her stupid cross old Peggotty's arm, and died like an innocent child going to sleep!’ After my mother's funeral,I began to wonder what would happen to me. The Murdstones did not even seem to notice that I was in the house. They had told Peggotty to leave,as they did not what her as their servant any more,so Peggotty was going to her brother's in Yarmouth, until she decided what work to do next. She suggested taking me with her for a holiday,Dietary supplements, and to my surprise the Murdstones agreed. So next morning Mr Barkis appeared at the door with his cart, and Peggotty's cases were put on it. We climbed up and sat beside him. Peggotty was naturally a little sad to leave her old home, where she had been so happy with my mother and me, and at first she cried a little. But when Mr Barkis saw her drying her eyes and looking more cheerful, he too began to look happier,#x and he whispered to me, ‘Barkis is willing!You told her that!’ Aloud he said to Peggotty,‘Are you comfortable?’

Peggotty laughed and said that she was.

‘And are you comfortable,Master David?’be asked.

I said that I was. Mr Barkis was so pleased with this conversation that he repeated it many times during the journey,Dietary supplementsand Peggotty and I both had to keep giving him the same answer.

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:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 9886
  • 日志数: 499
  • 建立时间: 2010-01-19
  • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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