the red-haired man said not another word

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-02-19 16:17:18 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

<a href="javascript:;" onClick="javascript:tagshow(event, 'the');" target="_self"><u><strong>the</strong></u></a> red-haired man said not another wordthe red-haired man said not another wordEveryone in the court could see that Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay were indeed very similar.

'Well then, ' said Mr Stryver,Hair replacement'it is so easy to find a man like the prisoner that we can even find one in this room. So how can you be so sure that it was the prisoner you saw in that hotel?'

And the red-haired man said not another word. The lawyers talked and argued, and when at last the trial came to an end, Jerry Cruncher had fallen asleep. But Mr Lorry woke him up and gave him a piece of paper. 'NOT GUILTY' were the words written on it, and Jerry hurried back to Tellson's Bank with the message.

Sydney Carton seemed to be a man who did not care about anyone or anything. He was Mr Stryver's assistant. In fact, he did most of the real work for Mr Stryver. Stryver was good at speaking at a trial, but he was not good at discovering important facts and details, especially when these details were hidden in a lot of papers. Every night Carton studied the many papers that lawyers have to read, and he wrote down the questions which Stryver should ask at the next day's trial. And every day Stryver asked these questions, and people thought how clever he was. Outside the Old Bailey Mr Darnay, now a free man#x, met his friends: Dr Manette and his daughter Lucie, Mr Jarvis Lorry, Mr Stryver, and Mr Carton.

Dr Manette no longer looked like the man in the room above Defarge's wine-shop five years ago. His hair was white, but his eyes were bright and he stood straight and strong. Sometimes his face became dark and sad when he remembered the years in the Bastille prison;at these times only his daughter Lucie, whom he loved so much, could help him.

As they stood there talking, a strange expression came over Dr Manette's faceHair replacement. He was staring at Charles Darnay, but he did not seem to see him. For a few moments there was dislike, even fear in his eyes.'My father, ' said Lucie softly, putting her hand on his arm, 'shall we go home now?' 'Yes, ' he answered slowly.

Soon they drove off in a coach, and then Mr Stryver and Mr Lorry walked away, leaving Mr Darnay and Mr Carton alone. 'It must be strange for you, ' said Carton, 'to be a free man again, and to be standing here, talking to a man who looks just like you. Let us go out and eat together.' After they had eaten, Carton said softly, 'How sad and worried Miss Manette was for you today! She's a very beautiful young woman, don't you think?'

Darnay did not reply to what Carton had said, but he thanked him for his help at the trial.

'I don't want your thanks, ' replied Carton.'I have done nothing. And I don't think I like you.' 'Well,beads, ' said Darnay, 'you have no reason to like me. But I hope that you will allow me to pay the bill for both of us.' 'Of course. And as you are paying for me, I'll have another bottle of wine.'

After Darnay had left, Carton drank some more wine and looked atHair replacementhimself in the mirror. He was angry because Darnay looked so much like him, but was so different. Carton knew that he was a clever lawyer, and that he was a good and honest man, but he had never been successful for himself. He drank too much, and his life was unhappy and friendless. His cleverness and his hard work in the law only made others, like Mr Stryver, successful and rich. He remembered Lucie Manette's worried face when she watched Darnay in court. 'If I changed places with Darnay, ' he whispered to himself#x, 'would those blue eyes of Miss Manette look at me, in the same way? No, no, it's too late now.' He drank another bottle of wine and fell asleep.

TAG: beads





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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