advantages. Fire

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-08 11:42:11 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

<a href="javascript:;" onClick="javascript:tagshow(event, 'Fire');" target="_self"><u><strong>Fire</strong></u></a> intermediary organizationswith human resourcesadvantages. Fireintermediary organizations bring together universities,Security barrierresearch institutes, testing certification, and manufacturing enterprises, etc. professionals. These people in their work areas, with more expertise. Occupy more than any other unit of society, science and technology resources. Fire is an independent #xintermediary organizations, government agencies and other third parties outside of enterprises and institutions, with greater independence and the impartiality of the relatively prone to community at large. Fire the intermediary organization can use its human resources advantages, government agencies and enterprises play a good communication between the role of all types of resources can also be integrated with their knowledge directly to customers. Developed Western countries, the work of intermediary organizations in the fire service play an important role. They are engaged in a wide range of work in general, including national fire safety standards in the formulation and revision of the design of performance-based assessment of building fire, fire to promote scientific and technological achievements of the consultation, fire professionals intermediary services, providing legal advice and so on fire. These are all my foster the development of intermediary organizations, #xthe fire has a good reference for. In China, the current has been implemented, "Automatic detection of fire-fighting facilities" and "electrical fire detection", "the establishment and rectification of the potential of fire proof," the fire intermediary organizations play a role in very clearly. Therefore,google排名, should be encouraged to foster the development and establishment of more fire intermediary organization, working for the fire services for the social and economic development services, making a fire to promote the work of an important force in the socialization.相关的主题文章:

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