1 million deposit can operate 540,000 gold equivalent

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-09 10:28:09 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

1, <a href="javascript:;" onClick="javascript:tagshow(event, 'gold');" target="_self"><u><strong>gold</strong></u></a> investment only need to input margin trading can be a small broad,1 million deposit can operate 540,Metal halide lamps,000 gold equivalent.To fully enhance the utilization of funds. 2, gold investment is a 24-hour trading day, gold Change are 15 to 20 per hour, #xthe formation of theConstruction Equipmentdifference large, profitable opportunities. While the stock is trading limit.

3, gold investments are profit opportunities regardless of a price change, the proportion of unlimited profits, loss amount can be controlled. Opportunity to#x earn more gold up, you have toConstruction Equipmentdo more (to buy a single), earned; gold down, you buy an empty (sold single), also earned! (Stocks only make up or the loss, there is no profit opportunities) 4, T +0 trading rules: Allow the day open interest, and allows investors to conduct multiple transactions, while the stock that day can not be liquidated.

5, the transaction time, transaction#x volume covers the largest period of European and U.S. trading hours drive to increase profit opportunities. Trading hours relaxed way to facilitate the transaction, not with working hours, place of conflict, especially for a family to go to work. 6, quote: direct the United States, the Dow Jones real-time quotation system for trading the basis in U.S. dollars / ounce price, fast and intuitive.

7, gold investment by the global economic impact will not be artificially controlled. While the stock easily be artificially controlled. 8, stock investment transactions need to chooseConstruction Equipmentfrom many stocks, gold investment transactions only need to dedicated research and analysis of a#x project, more to save time and effort. 9, gold investment transactions do not need to pay any taxes, while the stock required to pay stamp duty. 10, gold is good hedge against inflation, never doubts the value of rare gold

11, the trend is good, fried gold in the #xcountry is just emerging, stocks, real estate, foreign exchange and other investment products are earned at the beginning of crazy, gold is no exception. Ten international spot gold investment advantages:

1. Lightest tax burden. 2. To maintain a #xlong value. 3. The best weapon against inflation. 4. The sale of two long-range profit. 5. To facilitate the transfer of property rights. 6. The market makers can hardly happen. 7. Trading hours of uninterrupted . 8. internationally recognized mortgage types.

9. Market entry thresholds for the#x low. 10. The sale procedures are simple, risk control and strong.

TAG: construction halide metal





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