but often fall into the trap of thinking. Many people after reading my article h

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-09 16:02:35 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Aware of is of vital importance, but only blindly to pursue aware of it,but often fall into the trap of thinking. Many people after reading my article has become very fond of reflection, but often with a self-critical reflection of the mean. Many people will think, and so changed for the better and we have to go to his good life, but more preferable isSpirulina Tabletwith psychological problems to an active life. Necessarily implies an active life and real people playing real dealings,Compact fluorescent lamp, when your #xfeet will be firmly tread the earth, while so-called "changed for the better" process, it often means that in the thinking of the false world of fighting, the hearts of all the subtle magic was created by the wall of fear or hostility toward himself and the real world will be isolated.

In this sense, behaviorism doesSpirulina Tablethave#x its merits, because it emphasizes immediate access to the real world. If at this time, more awareness of a force, to understand themselves in the real world, all the experience, then the better.

Japanese psychologist Morita is Ma founded #xthe "Morita Therapy" and its essence into eight words can be changed to "go with the flow, in order to have as the": not with their emotions and thinking confrontation, not by sentiment and thought control , so that they come and go freely; no matter what kind of mood and thinking, what to do but also what to do.

This seemingly simple treatments forSpirulina Tabletmany #xdiseases have a good effect, the key lies in the fact that this therapy can help our hearts from all the demons are fabricated from the false world, out of, but being engaged in the real world.

TAG: compact fluore





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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