Mafia II Features Vintage Playboy Magazines

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Mafia II Features Vintage Playboy Magazines,<a href=""><a href="javascript:;" onClick="javascript:tagshow(event, 'Buy');" target="_self"><u><strong>Buy</strong></u></a> in <a href="javascript:;" onClick="javascript:tagshow(event, 'Global');" target="_self"><u><strong>Global</strong></u></a></a>Mafia II Features Vintage Playboy MagazinesAh, the 1950s -- an era when Elvis Presley ruled the radio waves, Senator Joseph McCarthy#x helped fuel Cold War paranoia, andTarpaulinthe internet hadn't yet made Playboy magazine totally irrelevant. That's precisely the point in American history that 2K Games hopes to capture with Mafia II, and they're partnering with Playboy to help lend a little authenticity to the game's '50s mobster atmosphere.

The licensing deal allows developer 2K Czech to place more than 50 vintage covers and centerfolds from the magazine's early history throughout the world of Mafia II. According to the announcement, players will be able to collect these in-game copies of Playboy magazine as they progress through the game.

"For more than 55 years, Playboy has beenTarpaulina part of America's pop culture landscape, engaging its readers with insightful features, interviews, and fashion spreads, as well as pictorials of some of the world's most beautiful women,? reads a statement from Playboy magazine editorial director Jimmy Jellinek. "Mafia II is set when Playboy first came into vogue and features characters whose style. and attitudes mirror content from our early issues. We're excited to bring an element of authenticity to the game that is unmatched in the men's publishing category."

Mafia II is currently scheduled for release sometime between August and the end of October this year.

engaging its readers with insightful features, interviews, and fashion spreads, as well as pictorials of some of the world's most beautiful women,? reads a statement from Playboy magazine editorial director Jimmy Jellinek. "Mafia II#x is set when Playboy first came into vogue and features charactersTarpaulinwhose style. and attitudes mirror content from our early issues.

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:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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