Review: 'Runaways' look at the '70s spot-on

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-02 08:45:33 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Review: 'Runaways' look at the '70s spot-onReview: 'Runaways' look at the '70s spot-onThe strength and beauty of "The Runaways"NCR partsare that it tells the truth. It doesn't always tell the literal truth about the pioneering all-girl rock band, the Runaways, #xthough it gets the basic facts and most of the details right. More crucially, it conveys precisely what it was like to be young in the mid-1970s, a peculiar juncture in American social history. Back then, there was an almost post-apocalyptic feeling in the air, that all norms had been tossed aside, that nothing mattered,Energy saving bulbs, that the whole country and the world had spun out of control.

Other films have attempted to convey this. Ang Lee's "The Ice Storm" got a piece of this feeling, but it couldn't get all of it. Its failure was that it was, in a sense, too good a movie, too artful. "The Runaways," by contrast, is precisely the kind of gritty, seamy and occasionally awkward picture that the 1970s deserve. And in getting that one thing right - in capturing that strange combination of despair and frustrated energy -NCR partsit gets everything right. It explains why kids needed rock 'n' roll, and why the Runaways still mean so much to those who remember them.

Based on "Neon Angel," the memoir of lead singer Cherie Currie, #x"The Runaways" tells the story of the creation of the band, focusing mainly on Joan Jett, who became the group's rhythm guitarist and principal songwriter, and Currie, who was discovered by Jett and producer Kim Fowley at Los Angeles nightclub when she was 15. They liked her look ("a little Bowie, a little Bardot") and had no idea whether she could sing. She could.

To be a teenager can feel like being stuck in mud. The world is alive with promise and excitement, but you can't get to it. You have no power. But music gives the feeling of power,#x the illusion of it, and sometimes that's enough to keep you sane. Currie (Dakota Fanning) and Jett (Kristen Stewart) start off as rock-obsessed high school misfits, Currie with a falling-apart family and an obsession with David Bowie,NCR partsand Jett with her leather gear and a dream of becoming a female rocker - of a variety that did not yet exist. "The Runaways" shows how rock 'n' roll can save your life and almost wreck it.

TAG: energy ncr parts saving





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