New KB board mum on chairman

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-08 10:25:28 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

New KB board mum on chairmanNew KB board mum on chairmanKorea’s three leading banking groups each #xheld their annualHydraulic power unitsshareholders meetings yesterday, where the main tasks at hand involved bringing aboard outside directors.

But one of the banks, KB Financial, didn’t make progress on a key issue that has caught the attention of the industry: the appointment of a new chairman.

The lack of any developments indicates that new board members are not yet ready to restart the potentially controversial naming process that rattled the group in recent months.

The group - which operates Korea’s largest lender, Kookmin Bank - replaced three of its outside directors with new ones yesterday. The fresh faces include Lee Kyung-jae, former senior executive at the Bank of Korea; Koh Seung-hee, business professor at Sookmyung Women’s University; and Lee Young-nam, chief executive of EZ Digital and former chief of the Korea Venture Business Women’s Association. Lee from the Bank of Korea was also named the newHydraulic power unitschairman of the board to replace Cho Dam, a business professor at Chonnam National University.

The bank also revised some rules governing its board operations,Energy saving lamp, including shortening the basic tenure of outside directors from three years to two years and making only outside directors eligible for board chairmanship.

But the newly formed board did not give any indication about when and how it plans to proceed with the inevitable designation of the new group chairman. The seat has been empty for nearly six months after previous chairman Hwang Young-key left last September. In December, the group’s board designated current Kookmin Bank CEO Kang Chung-won as its new chairman.

But Kang withdrew amid controversy stemming from claims by two other candidates in the race - both former senior government officials - that Kang’s chummy relations with board members played a role in the decision. The dispute also upset Seoul financial regulators, since their prior request to KB to go slow with the nomination until regulators complete a new set of rules #xon banking directors’Hydraulic power unitsoperations was not accepted.

TAG: energy saving





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  • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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