Hope fading for survival of sailors

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-19 12:13:05 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Hope fading for survival of sailorsHope fading for survival of sailorsHopes of finding survivors possibly trapped inside a sunkenReplica jerseysNavy#x patrol boat diminished yesterday as rescue divers heard no reply from inside when they knocked on the hull.

The 69-hour window of survival closed yesterday evening as the divers made vigorous attempts to enter the sunken ship. The 1,200-ton patrol combat vessel Cheonan sank after an unexplained explosion tore it in half Friday night. Military authorities were able to locate the submerged front and rear sections near Baengnyeong Island in the Yellow Sea days after the incident.

The stern is where most of the 46 sailors unaccounted for were believed to be located at the time of the explosion. Military specialists said sailors had up to 69 hours - or until sometime between 6 to 7 p.m. yesterday - to breathe if they managed to seal the compartments.

Rescue divers were able to reach the rear half of the ship in the afternoon and knocked on the hull around 1:20 p.m., but nothing was heard from inside,DVD Ripper, said Defense Ministry Spokesman Won Tae-jae. Divers had reached theReplica jerseysfront half of the sunken ship yesterday morning and knocked on the hull around 8:13 a.m., but no response was detected there as well, he said.

Despite the lack of response, divers geared up to enter the hull, the Joint Chiefs of Staff said. The operation was planned to continue until 8 p.m. yesterday, Commodore Lee Ki-sik, who is in charge of intelligence operations at the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said at a media briefing.

“We were able to find that the bow completely submerged, while the stern was tilted about 90 degrees to the left,” Lee said. “We are trying to find ways to enter the hull of the stern.”

“Each team of divers can remain underwater for up to 13 minutes,” said Lee. “Taking into account the time it takes to go down and resurface, they have up to eight minutes to work [on the ship].” Won said divers found the bow around 7:57 p.m. Sunday and managed to attach buoys. The stern#x was found around 10:31 p.m. Sunday and theReplica jerseysbuoys were placed yesterday morning around 9 a.m.

TAG: dvd ripper





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