Sheen, Warner at odds over ‘Men’ contract?

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-27 17:48:41 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Sheen, Warner at odds over ‘Men’ contract?Sheen, Warner at odds over ‘Men’ contract?On Tuesday afternoon, a "Two and a Half Men" set source told that star Charlie Sheen was ready to leave the Warner Bros.-produced hit that airs on CBS.

"Charlie’s just done," #xthe source said.Construction Equipment"And he's quietly telling his friends he's not coming back."

Or is he? Shortly after the PEOPLE story hit, celebrity gossip Web site reported that "sources directly connected" to the hit show were "laughing" at the thought that Sheen would leave the program. The gossip site is owned and operated by Warner Bros. TV.

The star's current salary is a reported $825,000 per half-hour episode,Carbon fiber body kit, with TMZ reporting that Warner Bros has offered $1 million per episode for Sheen to renew his contract, which ends after he tapes the 22nd episode of this season on April 9. Walking away from the hit CBS sitcom would mean Sheen gives up nearly $25 million a season, if TMZ's report is correct.

The actor is reportedly asking for $1.5 million to $2 million per episode, and according to PEOPLE, he recently turned down the offer for an eighth season. "He wants to move on," said a friend of the actor. “Leaving is 100 percent his idea.”

Should Sheen leave, Warner Bros. could lose money as well,Construction EquipmentJosef Adalian at notes, especially if its agreement with CBS contains language giving the network an out if a key cast member such as Sheen were to leave.

The star could be dropping hints about leaving as a negotiating ploy, but he is facing legal and personal troubles, which could be a reason for stepping away from such a successful show and large paycheck.

The actor, who faces domestic violence charges stemming from a Christmas Day fight with wife Brooke Mueller, entered rehab on Feb. 24 as "a preventative measure" and has been returning to rehab after work each night.

A CBS spokesperson says the network doesnConstruction Equipment’t comment on contract issues.

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