Political Punch

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-29 13:56:19 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Political PunchPolitical PunchWhite House officials tell ABC News that in his remarks tomorrow#x President Obama willAsphalt Bladeindicate a willingness to work with Republicans on some issue to get a health care reform. bill passed but will suggest that if it is necessary, Democrats will use the controversial "reconciliation" rules requiring only 51 Senate votes to pass the "fix" to the Senate bill,google优化, as opposed to the 60 votes to stop a filibuster and proceed to a vote on a bill.

He will note that the “fixed” bill will include the proposal for a new "Health Insurance Rate Authority" to set guidelines for reasonable rate increases. If proposed premium increases are not justifiable per those Health Insurance Rate Authority guidelines, the Health and Human Services Secretary or state regulators could block them.

The plan to pass the bill includes having the House of Representatives pass theAsphalt BladeDemocratic Senate health care reform. legislation as well as a second bill containing various “fixes.”

The president will call for an up or down vote on health care reform, as has happened in the past, and though he won't use the word "reconciliation," he'll make it clear that if they're not given an up or down vote, Democrats will use the reconciliation rules as Republicans have done in the past.

White House officials will make the argument these rules are perfectly appropriate because the procedure is not being used for the whole bill, just for some fixes; because reconciliation rules are traditionally used for deficit reduction and health care reform. will reduce the deficit; and because the reconciliation process has been used many times by Republicans for larger legislation such as the tax cuts pushed by President George W. Bush.

A White House official says the president will "reiterate why reform. is so crucial and what it will mean for American families and businesses: they’ll have more control over their own health care, they’ll see lower costs , and they’ll see an end to insurance company abuses. He’ll note that his proposal includes the best ideas from both parties, and he’ll restate his preference for a comprehensive bill that#x will reduce premiums and end discrimination againstAsphalt Bladepeople with pre-existing conditions."

TAG: google优化





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