The David Cameron question: voters still doubt the Tory leader

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-30 11:30:45 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

The David Cameron question: voters still doubt the Tory leaderThe David Cameron question: voters still doubt the Tory leaderDavid Cameron faces #xa knife-edge battle over the nextHydraulic power packfour weeks to convert a 7 per cent opinion poll lead over Labour into an overall Commons majority.

A new Populus poll for The Times — the first to be undertaken entirely since the election was called — shows that the Conservative leader has still not sealed the deal with voters.

More people now expect a hung Parliament,Compact fluorescent lamp, in which no party wins an overall majority, than believe that the Tories can win outright.

The poll, carried out on Tuesday and yesterday, puts theHydraulic power packTories on 39 per cent, against 32 per cent for Labour and 21 per cent for the Liberal Democrats.

This is broadly in line with other polls over the past week. Assuming a uniform. national switch of votes, these figures would leave the Tories just over 25 seats short of an overall majority, though with 30 more MPs than Labour. An earlier Populus poll showed that the Conservatives were doing sufficiently better in key marginal seats to make up this gap.

Roughly a third of voters are either undecided or say they may yet change their minds. Two fifths of voters believe that while it is time for a change from Labour they are not sure that it is time for a change in favour of the Tories.

A big majority of the doubters believe that the Conservatives have not made a strong enough case for a change from Labour and half think that Mr Cameron is too inexperienced to be prime minister. Within that group 45 per cent disagree with Tory proposals to reduce the planned#x increase in nationalHydraulic power packinsurance contributions.

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