Who’s Up for Building Bridges?

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-06 09:23:47 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Who’s Up for Building Bridges?Who’s Up for Building Bridges?I’m no expert on American politics, but I do know something about holes.Offset PlatesAnd watching the way the Republican Party is reacting to the passage of health care,#x it seems to me the G.O.P. is violating the first rule of holes: “When you’re in one, stop digging.”

Yes, I know, the polls show that the G.O.P. is not being hurt by its “just-say-no” strategy. But there is no groundswell moving its way either. Republicans will have to come up with more than “just-say-no-to-everything-except-lower-taxes-and-more-drilling” to field a credible 2012 presidential candidate. Here’s why:

If you step back far enough, you could argue that George W. Bush brought the Reagan Revolution — with its emphasis on tax cuts, deregulation and government-as-the-problem-not-the-solution — to its logical conclusion and then some. But with a soaring deficit and a banking crisis caused by an excess of deregulation, Reaganism has met its limit. Meanwhile, President Obama’s passage of health care reform. has brought the New Deal-Franklin Roosevelt Revolution to its logical conclusion. There will be no more major entitlements for Americans.Offset PlatesThe bond market will make sure of that.

In other words, both major parties have now completed their primary 20th- century missions, first laid down by their iconic standard-bearers. The real question is which party is going to build America’s bridge to the 21st century — one that will strengthen our ability to compete in the global economy,#x while practicing much more fiscal discipline.

Obama is at least trying to push an agenda for pursuing the American dream in these new circumstances. I don’t agree with every policy — I’d like to see a lot more emphasis on innovation and small business start-ups — but he’s clearly trying. I do not get that impression from the Republicans, and especially those being led around by the Tea Partiers.

Obama-ism posits that we are now in a hypercompetitive global economy, where the country that thrives will be the one that brings together the most educated,Thermal Plate, creative and diverse work force with the best infrastructure — bandwidth, ports, airports, high-speed rail and good governance. And we’re in a world with a warming climate that is growing from 6.8 billion people to 9.2 billion by 2050,Offset Platesso demand for clean energy is going to go through the roof. Therefore,#x E.T. — energy technology — is going to be the next great global industry.

TAG: offset plate plates thermal





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  • 建立时间: 2010-01-19
  • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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