Health care providers worry about burden on primary care doctors

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-07 14:00:38 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Health care providers worry about burden on primary care doctorsHealth care providers worry about burden on primary care doctorsThis story is part of Local Pulse,#x a JG/T-C series of special reports on how the federal health care overhaul is expected to affect area residents.

There are likely benefits to the new federal health care legislation,Energy saving bulbbut there could also be problems delivering the services that will be demanded, some area health care professionals say.

Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center President Gary Barnett said Coles County’s percentage of people without health insurance is higher than the state’s. In 2008, the most recent year information was available, 28 percent of county residents were uninsured, compared to 13 percent statewide, he said.

And while people might think anyone with a job has insurance,#x “that’s not the way it works,” Barnett said. Of those uninsured statewide,Blu-ray Ripper, about 60 percent are employed.

“Something needed to be done to help the uninsured,” Barnett said.

When the sweeping reform. law’s provision for the uninsured to have insurance in 2014 is in place, “we will see many more patients,” he said. Primary care doctors will see the heaviest patient loads, as was shown when the state of Massachusetts implemented universal health care four years agoEnergy saving bulb, he added.

Barnett said the SBLHC board recently approved hiring seven primary care physicians. With the new federal law, demand for those doctors will go up “dramatically” while providers face the added challenge of few medical students going into those fields, he said.

The added demand for primary care physicians and the increase in Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements those doctors receive might bring more into the field, Barnett said. But he also said there needs to be more influence put on second-year medical school students to consider the area of practice.

As for the effect of the bill on patients, many who were “putting off getting care” will go to doctors, but what will happen with people getting care now is “hard to predict,” Barnett added.

Health care providers will start to get “some payment”#x from Medicare and Medicaid for patients for whom “today we receive nothing,Energy saving bulb” he continued. But overall increases in those reimbursements will likely be less than expected because there had to be savings somewhere to pay for the additional money to go to primary care physicians, he added. 相关的主题文章:

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  • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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