Obama nominee withdraws amid Republican opposition

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-12 11:04:31 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Obama nominee withdraws amid Republican oppositionObama nominee withdraws amid Republican oppositionThe White House said Obama accepted#x Dawn Johnsen's request to withdraw herPlastic fruitbid for confirmation after it became clear that Republicans in the Senate would not allow her to be confirmed.

"After years of politicization of the office during the previous administration, the president believes it is time for the Senate to move beyond politics and allow the Office of Legal Counsel to serve the role it was intended to -- to provide impartial legal advice and constitutional analysis to the executive branch," said White House spokesman Ben LaBolt.

Johnsen, an Indiana University law professor who served as acting head of the Office of Legal Counsel under President Bill Clinton,google排名, had repeatedly criticized the Bush administration's use of harsh methods to interrogate suspected terrorists.

Johnsen also argued strongly in favor of abortion rights and was the legalPlastic fruitdirector of the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League from 1988-93.

In a statement in March, Republican senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee singled out Johnsen's views on abortion and the war on terrorism, saying her "record of extremism and partisanship makes her completely inappropriate to lead the Office of Legal Counsel."

Johnsen said in a statement that the Office of Legal Counsel must provide advice "unvarnished by politics or partisan ambition." In her new role, she had hoped to restore the office "to its best nonpartisan traditions."

"Unfortunately, my nomination has met with lengthy delays and #xpolitical opposition that threaten that objective and prevent OLC from functioning at fullPlastic fruitstrength," she said.

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