Who Knew Bankruptcy Paid So Well?

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-13 18:04:21 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Who Knew Bankruptcy Paid So Well?Who Knew Bankruptcy Paid So Well?The lawyers, accountants and restructuring experts#x overseeing the remains of LehmanEnergy saving bulbBrothers have already racked up more than $730 million in fees and expenses, with no end in sight. Anyone wondering why total fees doled out in the Lehman bankruptcy alone could easily touch the $1 billion mark merely has to look at the bills buried among the blizzard of court documents filed in the case.

They’re a Baedeker to the continuing bankruptcy bonanza, a world where the meter is always running — sometimes literally: in the months after Lehman’s collapse in September 2008, the New York law firm Weil, Gotshal & Manges paid one car-service company alone more than $500 a day as limo drivers cooled their heels waiting for meetings to break (and this in a city overflowing with taxis).

While most of corporate America may be just emerging from the Great Recession, bankruptcy specialists have spent the last two years enjoying an unprecedented boom. Ten of the 20 largest corporate bankruptcies in recent decades have occurred over the last three years, according to BankruptcyData.com, with Lehman snaringEnergy saving bulbhonors as the biggest corporate belly-flop in American history.

These megacases — Lehman, General Motors, Chrysler and Washington Mutual, to name a few — are orders of magnitude larger than most bankruptcies in the past, and their size and complexity have created a feeding frenzy of sorts for those asked to sort them out. To date, Weil, the lead law firm representing Lehman, has billed the Lehman estate for more than $164 million.

Analysts, lawyers and others involved in the larger bankruptcy boom say that some fees are legitimate — and that others are, at a minimum, highly questionable.

“There’s clearly pressure on people to create more revenue,” says Robert White,Energy saving bulbs, a former bankruptcy partner at O’Melveny & Myers who retired in 2006 after practicing for 35 years. At one deposition he attended last year, each law firm sent two or three lawyers when one would have sufficed. “They were #xjustEnergy saving bulbsitting there on their BlackBerrys and talking to other people,” he said.

TAG: energy saving





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  • 日志数: 499
  • 建立时间: 2010-01-19
  • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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