Which Android Platform Is Netflix Working On?

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-14 14:59:23 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Which Android Platform. Is Netflix Working On?Which Android Platform. Is Netflix Working On?When Netflix opened its doors for business #xin 1998 it offered oneVintage jerseysproduct: DVDs by mail. Since then the video company has plastered itself everywhere.

It offers streaming services on Microsoft’s Xbox, Nintendo’s Wii, Tivo’s set-top box, several blu-ray DVD players, the Apple iPad and even its own hardware partnership, the Roku Box. So it only seems natural that next on the list would be Google’s Android platform.

Earlier this month, Dan Nosowitz of Fast Company found a job listing on Netflix’s job board seeking an “Android Video Playback Expert.” Since then other listings have appeared on the site, including an opening for an “Android Platform. Application Engineer.”

Although these listings clearly point to an Android app, the big question is: for what device is Netflix building it?

In one respect the company could work on a standard Netflix mobile app, but they could also be exploring otherVintage jerseysAndroid platforms.

As we have reported in The New York Times, Google is working on its Google TV, which is expected to run the Android platform. ― or at least a variation. As we wrote in the article, it is expected that Google will “deliver a toolkit to outside programmers within the next couple of months, and products based on the software could appear as soon as this summer.”

Google hopes to show examples of the platform. when it opens its doors for business,NFL Jerseys, and Netflix would be a perfect fit for that introduction.

Or maybe Netflix is working with Google to create an application for the coming Google slate, or one of its many Android slate partners.

Last week, when I interviewed David Wadhwani, general manager of Adobe’s Platform. unit, he told me we could expect to see “a slew of Android tablets coming out later this year.” Mr. Wadhwani #xalso said that he had “seen estimates of between 30 to 50 AndroidVintage jerseystablets” that would soon appear in the marketplace.

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  • 建立时间: 2010-01-19
  • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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