Parents, church and judge told future GOP candidate for governor: ‘Leave the gi

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-18 15:09:24 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Parents, church and judge told future GOP candidate for governor: ‘Leave the girl alone’Parents, church and judge told future GOP candidate for governor: ‘Leave the girl alone’She didn’t drink. She didn’t smoke.Xmas wreathHer grades were solid. #x The 16-year-old had just finished 10th grade and was, by her mother’s judgment, a good girl.

Then she fell in with Ray McBerry, a married history teacher and member of her small storefront church in McDonough. When their relationship began, McBerry was still four years away from his first Republican run for governor in 2006. He’s trying again this year.

Last month, the Georgia Professional Standards Commission released a summary of its investigation into McBerry, who resigned his position at Patrick Henry High School in Stockbridge in January 2003,Xmas wreathshortly after Rachel’s mother filed a complaint.

Eventually,Carbon fiber hood, in 2004, the GPSC would suspend his teaching certificate for five days for abuse of a student, lying to administrators and violation of the commission’s standard of conduct for teachers.

The only person identified in that state report was McBerry. #x The identities of Rachel Gandee ― her married name ― and her parents were protected.

But at some point, anonymity becomes a form. of paralysis. The facts belong to those willing to discuss them in the open.

Over the past few weeks, Rachel Gandee has eased herself onto the public stage, starting with a detailed account of her relationship with McBerry on, a southwest Georgia political blog run by Jeff Sexton. “The truth getting told,” she wrote, “might help me get over all this.”

McBerry calls himself the only states’Xmas wreathrights candidate in the 2010 race for governor. He has little chance of winning, but drew nearly 12 percent of the vote in the ’06 primary. #x

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  • 访问量: 9886
  • 日志数: 499
  • 建立时间: 2010-01-19
  • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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