Midsummer Festival Guide - aion gold

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-08-02 15:50:50 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

The Midsummer Fire Festival is a seasonal holiday in World of Warcraft that celebrates the Summer Solstice. It runs two weeks, starting on June 21st and ending on July 5th. The event has players juggling torches, lighting bonfires, attacking enemy bonfires, a full set of seasonal items, and an epic fight against the Frost Lord Ahune.

The majority of the holiday related achievements focuses on going through Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, and Outland assaultingaion gold enemy bonfires (stomping them out) and honoring allied bonfires. The rest of the holiday focuses on the collection of Burning Blossoms which acts as a currency for the holiday themed items. Lord Ahune, the seasonal boss, drops ilvl 232 cloaks in addition to awarding 2 Frost Emblems each day.

Midsummer Fire Festival Overview
Bonfires are located through Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Outland, and Northrend. You can honor your faction’s flames or extinguish the opposing faction’s flames for money and Burning Blossoms.
Ribbon Poles provide a 10% experience boost when dancing with them that can last up to a full hour in addition to zone wide buffs that allow you to deal additional fire damage.

Burning Blossoms can be turned into vendors for holiday related loot or be used to ignore bonfires and provide your faction a zone wide bonus.
Lord Ahune resides in the Slave Pens and offers ilvl 232 cloaks, a staff, and a new companion pet in addition to 2 Frost emblems daily.
Daily Quests provide additional gold and Burning Blossoms and are located in your capital cities for some quick and easy cash.

Achievement Walkthrough (Skip)
The Flame Keeper (Horde) / The Flame Warden (Alliance)
The meta-achievement that requires all of the Midsummer Fire Festival achievements to be completed.

Burning Hot Pole Dance
You will need 400 Burning Blossoms to buy all three pieces of the Summer Outfit (Vestment/Sandals of Summer and Mantle of the Fire Festival). Then spin on a ribbon pole.

The Fires of Azeroth
You will need to complete all three Flame Keeper achievements in order to get this one.
Flame Keeper of Kalimdor
Honor all of your faction’s flames in Kalimdor.
Flame Keeper of Eastern Kingdoms
Honor all of your faction’s flames in Eastern Kingdoms.

Lord Ahune
You can see our Lord Ahune guide right herebuy wow gold that gives you all of the details about this icy monster.

Festival Vendor Items
The following a list of items you can purchase with Burning Blossoms. You can no longer return items that you've bought.

There are bonfires located throughout the world in World of Warcraft during the Midsummer Fire Festival. Allied bonfires (bonfires located near your faction’s town) can be honored while enemy bonfires can be extinguished, both for a reward. Visiting every bonfire in Azeroth and Outland results in a massive amount of gold in addition to counting towards the meta-achievement for the Midsummer Fire Festival.

Capital City Bonfires

There are four “quests,” one for each opposing capital city. Once you loot a flame it will offer you a quest to return the flame back to your capital city. You simply have to go to each capital city’s bonfire and “loot” it. It has a 1 second cast time so you should be able to do it by either stealthing in and doing it really quickly or dying by the bonfire, resurrecting, and using the few seconds before anyone can target you to loot the flame.


Orgimmar: Located in the Valley of Wisdom near Mannoroth’s armor.
Undercity: In the courtyard.
Silvermoon City: All the way in the back, located in the Court of the Sun.
Thunder Bluff. On the Spirit Rise.

Stormwind: North of the Mage Quarter.
Ironforge: Hall of Explorers, be careful going up the hill.
The Exodar: Inside The Crystal Hall.
Darnassus: Inside of Rut’theran Village, you don’t even have to go inside.
World Bonfires

Simply use the achievement tracker to get a list of cities and travel city to city. Each bonfire is located somewhere near the city and you should be able to visit most without even pulling any guards.

Unusual Activity
Accept this quest from any Earthern Ring Elder who will give you a Totemic Beacon. Go to the Zoram Strand in Ashenvale and kill thewow gold Twilight Hammer located there. Loot a Twilight Correspondence to complete the quest. Use your beacon in order to summon a guide who will accept the quest and give you a new one.
An Innocent Disguise
Use the orb and go to 9,12 in Ashenvale and wait for the quest to complete.
Inform. the Elder
Return to a capital city and turn the quest in.

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:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 2192
  • 日志数: 29
  • 建立时间: 2010-03-18
  • 更新时间: 2010-08-02


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