Mount Achievement Guide - wow gold

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-25 15:56:01 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Completing all of these achievements is not for the faint of heart,coffee mugs, only serious achievement seekers will have the stamina to see them through. Players who are compelled to take on this challenge must be prepared to not onlywow gold invest huge amounts of gold and time but should expect to have their patience tested at every turn. So for those of you brave enough to stick around and put your mount collecting skills to the test, saddle up and hold on tight because you are in for a bumpy ride.

Deciding where to start your mount collection can be a daunting task in itself, as such the best answer is to start simple and head back to the beginning. Make your way back to the old world and visit your original home city. Purchase all the mounts from this vendor then seek out the other four original cities and purchase the mounts available there if you are already at Exalted reputation. Even though the only real difference between the various factions mounts is the color, they all count towards your achievement.

Factions in the old world which provide mounts include: Ironforge, Stormwind, Gnomeregan Exiles, Darnassus, Exodar, and Stormwind for the Alliance, and Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, Undercity, Silvermoon City,nfl jerseys, and the Darkspear Trolls for the Horde. Purchasing all of these mounts should easily allow you to knock out the first two achievements, putting your mount count right around thirty-two or thirty-three. 

If you are not Exalted with these factions  things become a little more tricky. You will need to complete the starting quests available for each faction, and probably head on over to the Argent Tournament to do some serious reputation grinding. Don’t fret though, as this serves a dual purpose. The Argent Tournament offers players mounts that can be purchased with Champion Seals and a little gold. Obtaining all the mounts from the Argent Tournament will not only hone your jousting skills, but should bring your total close to forty-seven individual mounts.

Once your have knocked out the original home cities and the Tournament, head over to Outland and stop off in Shadowmoon Valley to purchasebuy wow gold ,led lights;all  seven different flying mounts available, bringing your total to roughly 54 mounts. This will gain you the Leading the Calvary achievement which comes with a bonus; you guessed it, a mount! More specifically completing this achievement will grant the player the Reins of the Albino Drake, putting your mount count at 55. Halfway there!

Other reputation based mounts can be purchased from the Sha’tari Skyguard, Netherwing, Cenarion Expedition, Wyrmrest Accord, Kurenai (Alliance)/Mag’har (Horde), and the Sons of Hodir. This will probably take some reputation grinding on your part. Most of these factions offer quests, or turn ins to help up your reputation or you could choose to do it the old fashioned way and just grind it out by killing mobs that give the appropriate faction. Collecting all of these mounts should put your total mounts at 78.

Gear up for some PvP to obtain the last of the “easy” mounts. Five Black War Mounts are available for both Horde and Alliance for 50,000 honor each. Grab all five to bring your mount total to 83, and while you’re still in the PvPing mood head over to Halaa where two Talbuk mounts are available for a combination of Battle (looted from enemy players), and Research (obtained by turning in Oshu’gun Crystal Powder) Tokens. Add these to your collection to make 85 mounts.

Make your way to Dalaran city and kiss your in game savings good bye after your visit with Mei Francis. Pick up the Armored Brown Bear (Horde) or the Armored Snowy Gryphon (Alliance), the Wooly Mammoth for 200 Emblems of Heroism, and if you can manage it without fainting at the hefty price, the Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth. After picking yourself off the ground you should find that your mount count is at 88. To make it 89 prepare for another major investment and find a friendly Engineer to make you a Mecho-Hog or Mekgineer’s Chopper.

Based on vendor prices, to get this far will have cost you roughly 50,000 gold, but you’re not done yet. The mounts from this point are not so easy to obtain, and there are many paths you could take, all of which will eventually get you to your goal. How fast you reach that goal depends on your dedication, luck, and funds.

Taking up Tailoring and Engineering will garner you four extra mounts, while fishing the day away in Northrend will gain you a cute little Sea Turtle. Visit the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj and pick up the four bug (Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow) mounts that drop off trash, then finish off by finding a group to zerg Sartharion down in 25 and 10 man for 2 mounts bringing your total to 100.

These are not your only options. Seasonal mounts are available during most holidays, and there are several mounts that can be gained by completing achievements such as the Black War Bear which appears in your mailbox afterwow gold defeating all the leaders of the opposing faction. You may also decide to dish out some real life cash and purchase mounts from the trading card game, or test your luck and wait for a mount to drop in one of  the various instances. Regardless of what path you take to reach 100 once you get there you will of course gain the Mountain o’ Mounts achievement and be rewarded with ….another mount (just what your need), a Red Dragonhawk for Horde and a Blue Dragonhawk for Alliance.

TAG: gold led lights wow





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 2192
  • 日志数: 29
  • 建立时间: 2010-03-18
  • 更新时间: 2010-08-02


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