Drink Your Dinner

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Drink Your Dinner
In 2003, I ran into a friend of mine whom I hadn’t seenwow goldin a few months. I didn’t even recognize her at first, because the glow emanating from her was so radiant that it almost blinded me. “Elisa, you look so good!” I nearly shouted, grabbing her by the arms. “Your skin is perfect! The whites of your eyes are so white! You’re so fit! What’s the deal?” She smiled beatifically, gently took my clenched hands in hers, and replied, “Two words: juice fast.” As she glided away, lustrousfinal fantasy xi gilhair blowing around her, I stood dumbfounded on the sidewalk, contemplating my own existence as a mere mortal. At that moment, I probably would’ve agreed to eat dirt for a month straight if it would guarantee that I’d look as healthy as Elisa did, but fortunately, as I soon discovered, I didn’t have to get that extreme.
When I researched juice fasts afterbuy dofus kamasI saw Elisa, I was a little intimidated by how rigorous they were; as a meat-and-potatoes type of girl, I just couldn’t fathom subsisting entirely on concentrated vegetable and fruit juices for a week straight. But what I could do, I realized, was incorporate more of those power-packed liquids into my daily diet and hopefully reap some of the many benefits Elisa seemed to have gleanedeve iskfrom her experience. A quick trip to Target later, I was the owner of a reasonably priced juicer and was fired up aboutdesigner jeansvisiting my local produce market and buying some yummy, organic fruits and veggies to liquefy. If I could become a juicing convert, you can too.
Just so we’re clear about this, the juiceglobe valvecreated using a juicer is about as different from a gallon of Sunny Delight as Antarctica is from Hawaii. The canned, bottled, and packaged juices sold in stores are pasteurized to kill bacteria and prolong their shelf life, but in the process, they also lose valuable enzymes and other living ingredients that highly perishable fresh juice contains. To ensure that you’re taking full advantage of thebridal dressnutritional gifts fresh juice provides, you’ll need to purchase a good-quality juicer not a blender or a food processor that separates the liquid from the pulp of all kinds of produce. Juicers typically include a cutting blade, a filter, and a feature that expels the pulp from the machine and into adior sunglassesreceptacle that can be emptied easily.
Fruits and vegetables produce much more pulprunning shoesthan they do liquid, so when you begin juicing, you’ll likely be surprised by how little juice a tremendous amount of ingredients produces. (It’s similar to the sautéed-spinach phenomenon, in which an enormousnike dunkspile of raw spinach yields barely enough cooked greens for one side helping.) Fortunately, it’s a good idea to start small when you’re beginning your juicing journey sixteen ounces of homemade juice daily should be an adequate testLouis Vuittonof your patience (for washing all that produce and cleaning the juicer), your bank account (organic food doesn’t come cheap), and your taste buds (kale-beet juice doesn’t exactly taste like Tropicana).
The half-cup of liquid that resultsusb flash diskfrom the seemingly endless stream of carrots, apples, and greens you feed into your juicer’s whizzing blade epitomizes the saying “less is more” it’s chock-full of a dazzling array of good-for-you elements. First, fresh juice contains plentiful natural water, which contains far fewer chemicals (such as chlorine and fluoride) than public waterusb pen drivesources do. It’s also replete with vitamins many of which are lost or diluted when produce is cooked and minerals, which support blood and bone functions. The electrolyte potassium, which is essentialcell phone wholesalefor blood-pressure maintenance and heart and kidney health, is abundant in fresh fruit and vegetable juices, as is unsaturated fat, which produces energy and enhances nerve cells.
Moreover, drinking juiceMp4 playeris the equivalent of giving your digestive system a vacation. Liquefying fruits and vegetables in a juicer designed to conserve their health benefits allows your body to sidestep the taxing chewingDriver Downloadsand nutrient-extraction process it has to undertake when it’s forced to digest vegetables and fruits in their solid state. Your stomach, intestines, liver, gall bladder, and pancreas will be eternally grateful to you if you substitute fresh juices for even a week’s worth of bulky produce.As tempting as it may be to drink your fill of fresh fruit juice, it’s not advisable; fruit is high in sugar, so vegetable juices should comprise the majority of your liquid diet. Vegetables’ alkaline pH helps the human body avoid overacidification, which depletes mineral resources, hampers enzymatic activity, and debilitates tissue all of which can lead to illness.Green juices stand out in the vegetable-juice category for their high concentrations泵业of chlorophyll, which aids liver detoxification and can purify and rebuild blood cells, and carotenes, known for their antioxidant properties and their capacity to protect people from cancer and heart disease. The most nutrient-rich juiceable greens are parsley, spinach, kale, and broccoli; however, because these ingredients often taste bitter in liquid form, you may find it more appetizing to incorporate a Granny Smith apple or two into juice recipes that include them.






:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 180
  • 日志数: 11
  • 建立时间: 2010-04-03
  • 更新时间: 2010-04-03


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