design tooling March 26 newsletter _150 synthetic resin market

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-15 13:01:56 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

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20070326 (Monday)

Unit: yuan / ton

varieties in North China East China South China Northeast

LDPE (film) 12150-12750 11800-12800 12150 -12700 12400-12550

HDPE (drawing) 11700-12250 12050-12300 11700-12000 11900-11900

HDPE (plastic) 11150-12200 10800-11750 11150-11550 12550-12550< BR>
HDPE (film) 11200-12400 12100-12550 11550-12400 12450-12450

HDPE (hollow) 11200-12300 10950-12400 11800-11800 11800-11850

LLDPE (film) 12100-12400 11950-12400 12150-12500 12400-12500

PP (drawing) 11350-11700 11300-11400 11150-12000 11000-11200

PP (injection) 11500-11550 11550-11700 12000-12100 na

PP (copolymer) 12000-12100 11900-11900 12200-13300 na

PP (film) 12200-13000 12100-12450 na na

PS (GPPS) 12400-13450 12300-13500 na na

PS (HIPS) 12700-13800 12600-13800 na na

ABS 15300-15950 15400-15950 na na
< BR>PVC 6605-7380 6550-7350 6400-7100 6450-6800


domestic PE market traded flat today, the status of social resources are relatively abundant so that dealers continue to carefully manipulator, Yanhua overhaul prompted local speculation darker atmosphere, some species offer high pressure was up.

North China: the general market sentiment around today's Central Plains, 7050 excluding tax reported 11,600 yuan / ton, the actual transaction price of 10-20 to allow yuan / ton, with the Zhongyuan Petrochemical Transferring 9050K, traders believe that 7050 prices weakness is limited. Linyi, the overall market is relatively calm, the general atmosphere of inquiry, mainly traders mostly short-term operation, some of the stock began to pressure the greater credit supply to the downstream plants, the Yangtze 7042 at 11,750 yuan excluding tax / ton.

East China: Shanghai market today offer business remained stable, 218W at 12,200 yuan / ton, most sellers consider the social resources the high side,design tooling, still follow the market to reduce inventory shipping operations, except the linear active , the high pressure / low pressure trends remain weak. Stop by the market impact of Zhenhai, Yuyao, the atmosphere improved slightly, Yanhua High Special Material prices more apparent stabilization of domestic low pressure injection plastic molding, most businesses are stuck with high inventory.

South China: Guangzhou, market sentiment can still be today, businesses affected by last Friday traded slightly better, offer slightly higher, but lower despite a more active inquiry, but the actual intention of getting goods is not strong, the contract value not ideal. Shunde thick atmosphere of the market waiting to see, offer basic steady, business is still the main ship, due to allocation of low pressure over the weekend to North Maoming Petrochemical and East China, effective mitigation of the market pressure, low turnover situation has improved.

Kongfangliliang market still dominated the overall look is expected to continue to digest short-term market-based resources, the support price stability in the petrochemical, the price will not drop much.


domestic PP market today, the overall volume was light, offer basic maintenance of stable, inventories are relatively large drawing in North China, the trend can still copolymer; East and South China mainly smooth, East Town, Hai Lasi Quote Firmer.

North China: Beijing market traded flat today, Yanshan Petrochemical formal parking maintenance, copolymerization darker atmosphere of speculation, quotes confusion, CPC are still faced with a larger inventory accumulation supply pressure, T30S market price at 11,150 yuan / t, Maoming near future large amounts of sales are together to the north, the recent market weakness will continue. Linyi continued sagging market trend, the price of basic maintenance, light transaction, CNPC T30S reported 11200-11300 yuan / ton, the Central Plains drawing in 10,900 yuan / ton.

East China: Nanjing market today offer little change, market prices continue to hang upside down, brokers are not optimistic about the market outlook, the market does not improve the actual transactions. Yuyao market sentiment slightly active, inquiry asked the cargo increased, but the real deal and not much better, Zhenhai refinery maintenance will stop, Zhenhai T30S mainstream offer in 11,500 yuan / ton, Shaoxing T30S said to have 11,450 yuan / ton Price, Yangtze copolymerization J340 reported 12,200 yuan / ton.

South China: Shantou market today shoot a turn for the better, Fu Lian film currently in production, materials, drawing materials not in stock, the mentality of the market play a stabilizing role, Fu Lian drawing materials market price 11300 yuan / t, Hainan refinery drawing materials market price 11250 yuan / ton. Shunde market remained steady, due to the recent business were not receiving, active stock-based pre-digestion, to reduce the current inventory stock, receiving goods downstream is still heavy volume, the overall wait and see mainly a lack of confidence. Although the broker to take advantage of the present

time to try to speed up oil prices jumped ship, but apparently did not buy it lower, transactions are still difficulties, is expected to face short-term factors that will be news to play a leading role in the market, if oil price to a continuous rise, the market may be a temporary rebound.


market sentiment today, the domestic hard plastic light, offer stable and drifted, business mentality unstable, and more reflect market conditions, while the downstream manufacturers will continue to watch market movements,rapid prototype, a small amount of receiving, causing obstruction of transactions.

East China: Yuyao hard plastic market trend today is still in the doldrums, offer basic stable, businesses and more follow the market, downstream firms take a small amount of goods, poor overall transaction is expected to continue short-term market weakness, 0215A stable at 15,400 yuan / tons, 750A or 50 to 15,400 yuan / ton, AC800 fell from 50 to 15,250 yuan / ton, 757K stable at 15,900 yuan / ton, 666D stable at 13,150 yuan / ton, 158K stable at 13,500 yuan / ton, PG33 or 50 to 13,250 yuan / ton, PH88 stable at 13,450 yuan / ton.

Southern China: state weakness in the market today, Shunde, hard plastic, offer basic stable, business pressures and demands by the poor impact of inventory, shipping difficulties, is expected to continue short-term market downturn trend. 0215A stable at 14,750 yuan / ton, 750A stable at 14,700 yuan / ton, 121H stable at 14,800 yuan / ton, 757K stable at 15,200 yuan / ton, Guangzhou, 525 or 50 to 11,800 yuan / ton, 666H stable at 12,000 yuan / ton , 660 stable at 12,000 yuan / ton, PH88 stable at 12,950 yuan / ton.

Hard plastic market is gradually entering the domestic consumption season, but if the price of styrene big changes, market price will change, but mainly short-term market prices to stabilize.


transactions today the domestic PVC market as a whole is still not satisfactory, the downstream start in the recovery, the trend for the late market, most people are still bullish. Today, the domestic PVC upper

calcium carbide business to maintain the higher prices, the recent weather and transport conditions are good, so there will be major market outlook, business confidence, although the domestic market is not very ideal,(Related Articles:plastic product design March 7 _131 domestic marke), but the global demand pick up quite a few companies start to export, to offset the impact of weakening domestic demand for the time being.

Northeast: the performance of today's market, more active, some small factories are launched one after another, the current market price is higher,(Related Articles:rapid prototype 2010 to the outbreak of the Asian market crisis of polyolefin), a small amount of pick-up only temporarily. With the weather warming,plastic product design, the improvement of transportation companies focused on the local and surrounding take the goods, sold to local surrounding mainstream pricing concentrated in 6550-6600 yuan / ton.

North China: the performance of today's market, stable, no major changes in market prices, general electric stone mainstream price of 6550-6600 yuan / ton,(Related Articles:make plastic mold U.S. March ethylene supply prices rose 3 cents - pounds), outside of the limited supply of local businesses no greater pressure, the downstream starts normally, shipping companies are more smooth, so that local businesses to reduce inventories, businesses are still somewhat difficult to outward transport.

East China: a more stable market trend today, the market mainstream in the 6600-6650 General Electric stone yuan / ton, the market orders on the overall situation has not quite changed, vinyl material price stability, some manufacturers high-end materials in 7400 yuan / ton, the market supply of normal, middle market is difficult, slow recovery started lower overall transaction atmosphere lighter.

South China: Today, market stability, the market price of ordinary electricity stone mainstream 6650 yuan / ton, slightly higher than the price of high model 50-100 yuan / ton, the contract value in general, the local downstream plants start situation is not well, resulting in shipments of the situation is not satisfactory, the market outlook more uncertain factors, market demand and the market volume will continue to go around.

Now start to gradually improve the downstream, high prices are slow to be accepted by the steady demand in the North start to upgrade, it is expected to keep short-term market conditions remain relatively stable, does not rule out the ups and downs of regional consolidation .


TAG: design plastic produc prototyp rapid tooling





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 421
  • 日志数: 22
  • 建立时间: 2010-04-24
  • 更新时间: 2010-05-28


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