Eye of the Storm Battleground Guide | ugg boots

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Eye of the Storm plays like a combination of World PVP, Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch. How is this possible? Let's analyze all the mechanics Eye of the Storm has and why it is so unique when compared to the other battlegrounds. To win, your faction must collect 2000 Victory Points which can be earned through various methods.

Tower Control: First and foremost, you need to control towers with the assistance of your raid group. There's 4 towerstiffany scattered around for you to control. The more you secure, the faster you earn Victory Points. It is recommended you hold at least 2 before attempting the other methods. To gain control of a tower, you must stand near the tower's flag point and have the marker move to your "side" (horde, alliance), it will let you know when you have capped the tower with an announcement in the battleground. If you're taking an enemy's tower, then you will need to wait twice as long to first slip it out of their control and then into yours. It is recommended you max out the meter to your side so you and your allies have the maximum amount of time to rush and defend should it be under attack. When you take control or capture a tower it is generally referred to as "capping" it (short for capturing), so may times you will see messages such as "G2 cap BE". This would mean that Group 2 should capture the Blood Elf tower.

Flag: The flag always starts in the middle of the battleground. It takes 10 seconds to pick up the flag from the center point and you must then make your way to a tower that your faction holds. Once you reach that tower you turn in the flag by simply standing on the flag platform. there. Similar to other flag capture battlegrounds you can be interrupted by any damage you take while trying to pick up the flag. Also,buy wow gold, you can't mount but you can cat form. / ghost wolf form, so all Warsong Gulch flag-running strategies are applicable here.

There is no faction for Eye of the Storm, so your gains will be in pure Honor and Eye of the Storm tokens.


Points are awarded for the two point generating methods above in the following fashion.

Towers generate points every 2 seconds (called a tick) for each team. The more towers you control the more points you earn.

Towers Controlled
Points per Tick
Points per Second

By capturing the flag you also gain points for your faction. The points you earn are directly based on the number of towers that you control.

Towers Controlled
Points per Flag Capture


There's many strategies ugg boots your team can try to win in Eye of the Storm, we'll go from fastest to slowest.

Fastest- 4-Cap the battleground. This ends the battleground in less than 10 minutes, and will only work if the other team isn't playing well or has a lower number of players. Flags are a non-issue, just concentrate on having 4 towers and you will win shortly after. A preferred tactic by "Premade" Teams!

Fast- 3-Cap towers, flag running as possible. While you may want to hold 3 towers and forget the flag,cheap wow gold, it's an added bonus to keep running it or at least keep the enemy from scoring extra points. Remember flag caps also bump up your honor rating!

Contested- 2-cap, each side keeps two towers, relies on flags to win. Simple, if you're fighting an even team, do your best and focus on the flag to turn the tide and eventually either take 3 towers or hold and win.


Overall the tactics in the battleground remain the same no matter which strategy you plan on using and come down to the following simple rules:

Towers are more important than flags. You must control more towers than the enemy to win. If you play as Alliance, remind everyone of this fact as they tend to forget. It really is true though and easy to see when you look at the math behind it. On average a flag capture takes at least one minute. This is the time it takes to get someone into position, fight off the enemy, pickup the flag and then get to a tower. It can be done faster but in actual practice this is about as quick as possible even with a strong flag running team. So if youugg boots capture a flag with 2 towers controlled every minute you earn 85 points for the flag and 60 points for the towers for a total of 145 points. If you instead held 3 towers you would earn 150 points. It may seem like a small difference, but holding 3 towers is far easier than running the flag once every minute.

If you only have one tower,forgetthe flag, and get 2 towers ASAP or you will lose quickly. As shown above, towers equal wins. You need at least 2 towers so that you are limiting your opponent to 2 as well and making the battle about the flag.

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:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 5696
  • 日志数: 133
  • 建立时间: 2009-08-11
  • 更新时间: 2010-08-02


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