Frenzyheart Reputation Guide - buy wow gold

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-12-06 15:02:58 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Getting Started,wow gold
The Oracles are a murloc-like gorloc tribe that inhabits Sholazar Basin. They feel they are guardians of the titan technology that remains in the Basin. The Oracles are part of an ever escalating territorial war with the Frenzyheart Tribe. The Frenzyheart Tribe are fierce wolvar who were driven from their lands by the Scourge. Once they camewow gold ,buy wow gold;across Sholazar Basin they decided to make it their home. Their aggressive nature is the reason for the war with the Oracles.

Starting with the quest Playing Along, which is given by Tracker Gekgek after you have killed Pitch, you will begin a chain of quests that will first acquaint you with the Frenzyheart Tribe and then with the Oracles. This has no actual bearing on your ultimate choice of faction so don’t panic. Just continue to do the quests until you reach A Hero’s Burden.

A Hero’s Burden
Upon completion  A Hero’s Burden will allow you to begin your journey towards real reputation gain with either the Oracles or the Frenzyhearts . The quest is given by Moodle and requires the player to kill Artruis the Heartless. Artruis is a level 77 elite lich, located in the Sundered Shard which is east of the Lifeblood Pillar. While Artruis is very powerful he may be killed solo by some classes, but it is always smart to bring some help along just in case.

Once engaged, killing Artruis comes in three phases. In phase one Artruis will position himself at the back of the cave with a wolvar, Zepik the Gorloc Hunter, and a gorloc, Jaloot on either side of him. He will cast Frost Bolt, Frost Nova, Ice Lance, and even engage in melee in his attempts to kill you

In Phase Two Artruis will encase himself in ice and will turn Zepik and Jaloot against you. This is the crucial point in the fight. Killing one of the NPC’s allows you to align with the other faction after the fight. So if you want to ally with the Oracles, you would need to kill Zepik, however if you choose to ally with the Frenzyheart Tribe you will need to kill Jaloot.

Once either Zepik or Jaloot is killed, Artruis will reactivate, starting Phase Three. Phase Three is much like Phase One except the NPC that you left alive will now help you complete the battle. Once defeated you will be offered a either the quest  Frenzyheart Champion from Zepik or Hand of the Oracles from Jaloot allowing you to become aligned with that faction.

Changing Factions
If at any time you feel you have made a mistake in your choice,buy wow gold, or you have simply reached exalted and are ready to change from one faction to the other all you need to do is go back and kill Artruis. This time though you will want to kill the opposite NPC than you did the first time. Keep in mind that once you switch factions all reputation gains will be lost permanently. Also any items you purchased from the opposite faction that required a certain amount of reputation (Revered, Exalted) will no longer be useable. You may only switch between the two factions once a day.

Power of the Great Ones
Oracle Soo-dow requests that you charge the Dormant Polished Crystal at the exposed Lifeblood Pillar (letter D on the map). Once this is done you are to travel to Sparktouched Haven (letter A on the map) and use the power of thebuy wow gold crystal to kill 30 Frenzyheart wolvar. Simply take the Crystal to the top of Lifeblood Pillar, and charge it. Once charged go to the southwest corner of the Basin and begin to kill the Frenzyhearts there. The buff the Crystal gives heals and also gives you extra damage. Gives 700 reputation.

Appeasing the Great Rain Stone
High-Oracle Soo-say wants you to take a companion to dig up and collect 6 Shiny Treasures (letter E on the map). Soo-say will provide a gorloc buddy that will follow you around to help unearth the treasures. Search for the glints of light sparkling just above the ground, and move close to them. Your gorloc will then begin to dig, however he will not always find Treasure. He may also dig up Glinting Bugs, or a Sparkling Hare. If you kill the Hare you will receive a minute-long run speed buff Blessing of the Sparkling Hare. Keep digging until you have collected enough Treasures.  Gives 500 reputation.

A Cleansing Song
Oracle Soo-nee requires you to play the Cleansing Chime at Bittertide Lake (letter F on the map), Wintergrasp River (letter G on the map), and River’s Heart (letter H on the map) and slay the evil spirits that plague the waters there. Bittertide Lake is located west of the Glimmering Pillar, River’s Heart is located in the middle of the zone, and Wintergrasp River is just south of the Skyreach Pillar. Go to each location, play the Cleansing Chime to force the evil spirit to spawn. Kill each enemy to complete the quest. Gives 500 reputation.

Song of Fecundity
Oracle Soo-nee asks you to go to Stormwright’s Shelf (letter I on the map) and play the Horn of Fecundity near 8 piles of Soaked Fertile Dirt. Stormwright’s Shelf is located just northwest of Maker’s Perch. Simply use the horn on the very obvious piles of dirt scattered around this location. This quest requires you to have a flying mount and for those wishing to learn new words, Fecundity means fertility. Gives 500 reputation.

Song of Reflection
Oracle Soo-nee wants you to use the Didgeridoo of Contemplation at the top of the Glimmering Pillar (letter J on the map), the Suntouched Pillar (letter K on the map), the Mosslight Pillar (letter L on the map), and the Skyreach Pillar (letter M on the map). Easier if you have a flying mount, make your way to the tops of each pillar and use the Didgeridoo of Contemplation near the crystals in the center. You may need to take out the mobs that are on top of the pillar but overall there is very little to no fighting involved. The pillars are hard to miss, and very obviously marked if you have your world map filled out. Once again for those of us who seek information a Didgeridoo is a wind instrument that was developed by Indigenous Australians at least 1,500 years ago and is still in widespread usage today. Gives 500 reputation.

Song of Wind and Water
Oracle Soo-nee wants you to use the Tempest Drums at Stormwright’s Shelf (letter I on the map) and help Haiphoon devour 3 Storm Revenants and 3 Aqueous Spirits. Stormwright’s Shelf can be found between the Maker’s Perch and the North Sea. Once you arrive use the Drums of the Tempest to transform. yourself into Haiphoon. To start you will be in his water form. so go after a Storm Revenant. In this form. you will have a Water Bolt as your primary attack and Frost Nova to hold the Storm Revenant in place. Once it’s low on healthbuy wow gold use your Devour Wind ability. This will kill the Revenant and transform. you into Haiphoon’s Air Elemental phase. In this form. you will need to go after the Aqueous Spirits. Alternate between Lightning Bolt which is your primary damage spell in this form, and Windshear which has a knock back. Once the Spirit is low on health use your Devour Water ability to once again transform. yourself into Haiphoon’s water form.  Alternate between the two forms until you complete the quest. Gives 500 reputation.

TAG: buy gold wow





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 3567
  • 日志数: 82
  • 建立时间: 2009-12-02
  • 更新时间: 2010-08-02


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