Gearing Up in the Post 3.2 Era - tiffany jewelry

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-12-08 15:07:15 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Daily Badges
The easiest way to get badges is to run heroic five player instances every day, even on the most under populated servers there aretiffany jewelry groups forming at any hour of the day.  You can run each heroic instance once per day, with one of them being the object of a daily quest given out at the Violet Hold in Dalaran by Archmage Lan&rsquo,wow gold;dalock. The “Daily” heroic will award you with extra gold and the upgraded Emblem of Triumph, as well as the standard Emblems of Conquest you will receive from the bosses in the instance. For players still wearing all blue quality gear you can also pick up quite a few decent item level 200 epics from the end bosses in each heroic dungeon. 

Weekly Badges
In addition to the daily accumulation of reward badges, players can also gain these tokens in 10 and 25 player raid dungeons. The raid dungeons have a weekly reset timer and all feature a minimum of item level 200 epics, with most offering 213 and higher.  Naxx 10 will award you level 200 loot with all boss kills except Kel&rsquo,cheap wow gold;thuzad who will drop 213 items. Naxx 25 features 213 loot with KT dropping 226. Eye of Eternity loot on 10 player is 213, while 25 player rewards are 226. Obsidian Sanctum items are 200 for 10 player and 213 for 25, with higher level loot being awarded for each drake you leave alive. Ulduar 10 player grants you 219 loot while 25 player features 226 (232 for weapons).  If you are fortunate enough to clear these instances weekly your purchasing power from the vendors will be substantial and there will be no shortage of epic choices for you.

Emblems of Triumph

Since introducing the concept of badges and badge gear in patch 2.3.0, Blizzard has been dedicated to providing alternate gearingwow gold ,cheap wow gold;methods to players who can’t or don’t want to raid. Patch 3.2.0 has taken it a step further and the game now offers an unprecedented number of ways to equip your character with epic quality raid or raid ready gear. The purpose of this article is not to bash or champion this development but rather to help those newer players (or those returning from an extended WoW-cation) on how to quickly get their characters caught back up with the game.

The current pinnacle of the badge loot system is the Emblem of Triumph. These emblems are currently only found in Trial of the Crusader and the Onyxia encounters, however with patch 3.3 they will begin to drop in other raid zones.  You should also be able to earn an additional two Triumphant Badges each day as your reward from the Heroic Daily Quest. These emblems, besides being useable at a vendor like the aforementioned Conquest, are also used to purchase set armor pieces for tier 9 and 9.25. Patch 3.2.0 introduced a trophy system that allows players who kill the bosses in ToC 25 the ability to trade a trophy plus a number of Emblems of Triumph for whichever piece of 9.25 they desire. Tier 9.0 can also be purchased with badges and does not require a trophy.  Also keep in mind that the non heroic version of 5 player Trial of the Champion offers some very nice level 200 epics from each boss and there is no 24 hour lockout timer like the heroic version, for players looking for a trinket upgrade this is the place to look.

Gearing your character in WoW has never been faster or easier than it is right now; with a little bit of effort on your part you can beugg raid ready or a raiding champion in a matter of days.  Until next week, stay safe and have fun in Azeroth!

TAG: cheap gold wow





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  • 访问量: 3567
  • 日志数: 82
  • 建立时间: 2009-12-02
  • 更新时间: 2010-08-02


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