Health Buzz: Scientists Expose an HIV Hiding Spot

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Health Buzz: Scientists Expose an HIV Hiding SpotHealth Buzz: Scientists Expose an HIV Hiding SpotScientists Expose a Spot Where HIV Hides in the Body

Researchers have sniffed out an HIV hide-out in the boxIn the bone marrow,google排名,#x which makes blood cells, the virus can linger unaffected by therapies designed to curb the virus's spread, HealthDay reports. Study coauthor Kathleen Collins of the University of Michigan tells HealthDay that current drugs stop the virus from infecting new cells but cannot destroy already-infected cells and prevent them from staging a new attack. Any potential treatment would have to target only the bone marrow cells that contain the virus, Collins says. Another expert tells HealthDay there are other sites of latent infection, which must be found in order to rid the body of HIV. The findings are published in the journal Nature Medicine. Bullets Flying Over Abortion Coverage in Health Reform. Bill

It's high noon for abortion coverage in the health reform. bill, and the pistols are drawn, U.S. News's Deborah Kotz writes. Who will win the duel over abortions if and when a final bill is passed remains to be seen. Simply put, abortion-rights activists want the language in any final healthcare bill to allow insurance plans in the federal exchange system to provide abortion coverage as part of their comprehensive box#xThose opposed to abortion don't want any plans in the exchange to offer abortion coverage. The Senate bill and the White House tweaks to it that will be the basis of the final reconciliation bill contain language that's something of a compromise—allowing abortion coverage but with restrictions.

Planned Parenthood, which supports abortion coverage, fired off a missive last week from President Cecile Richards, who said that she wasn't happy with either the House bill or the Senate version. "Under the burdensome Nelson provision in the Senate healthcare reform. bill," Richards said in an E-mailed statement, "it is anticipated that most private health insurers would no longer offer coverage for abortion. Since most women with private health insurance have coverage for abortion, the Nelson provision would take away coverage that women have now."#x The Nelson provision does allow plans to offer coverage,wine boxbut it requires every enrollee who wants it to write a separate check for it. Read more.

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